李 丽,李燕杰,王 缈,陈 昊,章 祎,周晏琳.食品中矿物油污染研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(24):286-293
Research progress of mineral oils contamination in food
投稿时间:2024-09-30  修订日期:2024-12-13
中文关键词:  食品中矿物油污染  食品中矿物油的危害  食品中矿物油的风险与防控  食品中矿物油的检测  食品中矿物油法规
英文关键词:mineral oil  contamination  harm  risk and control
李 丽 1.辽宁晟麦实业股份有限公司 
李燕杰 1.辽宁晟麦实业股份有限公司 
王 缈 1.辽宁晟麦实业股份有限公司 
陈 昊 1.辽宁晟麦实业股份有限公司 
章 祎 1.辽宁晟麦实业股份有限公司 
周晏琳 1.辽宁晟麦实业股份有限公司 
LI Li 1.Sanmark Corp 
LI Yan-Jie 1.Sanmark Corp 
WANG Miao 1.Sanmark Corp 
CHEN Hao 1.Sanmark Corp 
ZHANG Yi 1.Sanmark Corp 
ZHOU Yan-Lin 1.Sanmark Corp 
摘要点击次数: 73
全文下载次数: 50
      随着社会对食品安全议题关注度的持续攀升, 食品污染问题, 尤其是其中的矿物油污染, 已跃升为公众舆论与监管机构的核心关切。近期曝光的“中储粮油罐车疑似混装食用油”事件, 激起社会各界对食品中潜在矿物油污染的深切忧虑与广泛讨论。鉴于此, 首先, 本文概述了矿物油的基本特性, 剖析矿物油污染对食品安全的潜在威胁, 从健康危害的角度, 揭示其对人体健康的长期与短期影响。同时, 探讨食品中矿物油的风险与防控, 追溯矿物油污染的多元来源, 探讨有效防控矿物油污染的策略与措施。此后, 依托国内外前沿的食品矿物油检测技术分析, 运用科技赋能, 为食品安全构筑坚实屏障。最后, 梳理国内外关于食品中矿物油污染的相关法律法规, 为法律规制提供理论支撑。旨在通过本文的探讨与分析, 为规范食品中矿物油污染、提升食品安全整体水平提供参考。
      With the increasing attention on food safety issues in society, food contamination, particularly mineral oil contamination, has quietly risen to become a core concern of public opinion and regulatory agencies. The recent exposure of the “suspected mixing of edible oils in grain and oil tankers of Sinograin” incident has sparked deep concerns and widespread discussions among all sectors of society about potential mineral oil contamination in food. In response, this article first outlined the basic characteristics of mineral oil, analyzed the potential threats of mineral oil contamination to food safety, and revealed its long-term and short-term impacts on human health. Meanwhile, it explored the risks and prevention of mineral oil in food, traced the diverse sources of mineral oil contamination, and discussed strategies and measures for effective prevention and control of mineral oil contamination. Subsequently, relying on advanced food mineral oil detection technologies at home and abroad, it leveraged technology to build a solid barrier for food safety. Finally, it summarized relevant laws and regulations on mineral oil contamination in food both domestically and internationally, providing theoretical support for legal regulation. The purpose of this article is to provide references for regulating mineral oil contamination in food and improving the overall level of food safety through discussion and analysis.
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