杨 方,刘少明.基于RASFF通报分析技术性贸易措施对商品茶出口贸易的影响[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(23):192-199
Impacts of technical trade measures on the export trade of commodity tea based on RASFF notification analysis
投稿时间:2024-08-29  修订日期:2024-12-02
中文关键词:  技术性贸易措施  商品茶  出口  RASFF通报  分析
英文关键词:technical trade measures  commodity tea  export  rapid alert system for foodand feed  food safety
杨 方 1.福州海关技术中心 
刘少明 1.福州海关技术中心 
YANG Fang 1.Technology Centre of Fuzhou Customs 
LIU Shao-Ming 1.Technology Centre of Fuzhou Customs 
摘要点击次数: 34
全文下载次数: 11
      茶是我国传统优势出口产品, 但近年来以欧盟为代表的国家、地区相继出台实施了越来越严格的技术性贸易措施, 使我国茶叶出口面临严峻挑战。本文以2020年1月—2024年6月欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统(rapid alert system for food and feed, RASFF)对商品茶的通报数据为研究对象, 分析了商品茶的安全状况与风险因素。在184例通报中有110例为农药残留问题, 占比58%, 是最主要的安全风险因素, 其中毒死蜱、呋虫胺、唑虫酰胺、高效氯氟氰菊酯和蒽醌等问题最为突出。污染物问题(占比16%)及含有未授权物质或新食品成分(占比18%)也是被通报的主要因素。有15例通报是因含有吡咯里西啶生物碱, 对茶中该类物质的要求为欧盟于2023年新增。RASFF通报从一个方面反映了当前茶叶的安全状况, 值得引起关注。本文梳理分析了风险因素, 并探讨了应对措施, 以期为相关行业与监管部门有针对性开展监管提供技术依据, 从而有效规避风险、促进贸易。
      Tea is a traditional advantage export product in China. In recent years, countries and regions represented by the European Union have successively introduced and implemented increasingly strict technical trade measures, which have posed severe challenges to China’s tea exports. The safety status and risk factors of tea were analyzed based on the notification data of European Union rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) on commercial tea from January 2020 to June 2024. The 184 notifications, the 110 cases were related to pesticide residue issues, accounting for 58%, which was the most significant safety risk factor. Among them, acephate, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, lambda-cyhalothrin and anthraquinone were the most frequently reported. Contaminations (accounting for 16%) and containing unauthorized substances or new food ingredients (accounting for 18%) were also important factors in the notifications. There were 15 notifications due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which were requirements newly added by the European Union in 2023. The RASFF notifications reflected the current safety situation of tea on one level and should be of concern. The risk factors were analyzed and the suitable countermeasures were discussed in order to provide technical basis for the targeted supervision of relevant industries and regulatory authorities effectively avoiding risks and promoting tea trade.
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