Development of thiamethoxam in acetonitrile certified reference materials GBW08771
投稿时间:2024-04-29  修订日期:2024-07-24
中文关键词:  噻虫嗪  标准物质  不确定度
英文关键词:thiamethoxam  certified reference materials  uncertainty
李先江 1. 中国计量科学研究院化学计量与分析科学研究所 
涂梦灵 1. 中国计量科学研究院化学计量与分析科学研究所 
王建东 1. 中国计量科学研究院化学计量与分析科学研究所 
吕辅菊 1. 中国计量科学研究院化学计量与分析科学研究所, 2. 北京科技大学化学与生物工程学院 
LI Xian-Jiang 1. Division of Chemical Metrology and Analytical Science, National Institute of Metrology 
TU Meng-Ling 1. Division of Chemical Metrology and Analytical Science, National Institute of Metrology 
WANG Jian-Dong 1. Division of Chemical Metrology and Analytical Science, National Institute of Metrology 
LV Fu-Ju 1. Division of Chemical Metrology and Analytical Science, National Institute of Metrology,2. School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing 
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      目的 研制乙腈中噻虫嗪的溶液有证标准物质GBW08771, 满足国内外机构对于噻虫嗪农药残留检测的需求。方法 该溶液标准物质以准确定值的噻虫嗪纯品为原料, 以色谱纯乙腈为溶剂, 采用重量容量法在容量瓶中准确配制, 制备值为10.0 μg/mL。以液相色谱外标法进行定量, 检测波长为254 nm。结果 依据JJF 1343—2022《标准物质的定值及均匀性、稳定性评估》的要求, 本标准物质的均匀性良好、短期稳定性(50°C, 14 d)和长期稳定性(20°C, 24个月)达到国家一级标准物质规范的要求。该标准物质的不确定度来自噻虫嗪原料纯度(0.18%)、溶液配制(0.39%)、均匀性(0.06%)、短期稳定性(0.21%)和长期稳定性(0.12%) 5个方面。结论 噻虫嗪溶液标准物质GBW08771的量值为10.0 μg/mL, 扩展不确定度为1% (k=2), 该标准物质对于保障农产品、食品安全以及实验室质量控制等具有重要意义。
      Objective To develop thiamethoxam solution certified reference material GBW(E)08771, and meet the demand for the thiamethoxam pesticide residues detection from national and international institutes. Methods This certified reference material was prepared by gravimetric-volumetric method with value assigned thiamethoxam material and acetonitrile as solvent. The assigned value was 10.0 μg/mL. Quantification was based on external calibration of liquid chromatography with wavelength of 254 nm. Results According to JJF 1343—2022 Characterization, homogeneity and stability assessment of reference materials, this certified reference material was in good homogeneity, and short-term (50°C for 14 days) and long-term (20°C for 15 months) stability meeting the requirement of primary certified reference material guideline. The uncertainty of the certified reference material was derived from 5 kinds of aspects: Raw material purity (0.18%), solution preparation (0.39%), homogeneity (0.06%), short-term stability (0.21%) and long-term stability (0.12%). Conclusion The certified reference material GBW08771 of thiamethoxam solution has a value of 10.0 μg/mL and an extended uncertainty of 1% (k=2). The certified reference material is of great significance for ensuring agricultural products, food safety and laboratory quality control.
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