王琪琦,杜欣玥,高西贝,林 珣,张根生.蜂蜜功能活性及药用价值研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2022,13(18):5849-5854
Research progress on functional activities and medicinal value of honey
投稿时间:2022-07-01  修订日期:2022-09-10
中文关键词:  蜂蜜  健康  功能活性  药用价值
英文关键词:honey  health  functional activity  medicinal value
基金项目:中国农业科学院科技创新工程项目(CAAS-ASTIP-2015 IAR)、国家蜂产业技术体系项目(CARS-44-KXJ19)
王琪琦 哈尔滨商业大学食品工程学院;中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所 
杜欣玥 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所;黑龙江大学现代农业与生态环境学院 
高西贝 哈尔滨商业大学食品工程学院;中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所 
林 珣 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所 
张根生 哈尔滨商业大学食品工程学院 
WANG Qi-Qi College of Food Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce;Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
DU Xin-Yue Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;College of Modern Agriculture and Ecological Environment, Heilongjiang University 
GAO Xi-Bei College of Food Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce;Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
LIN Xun Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
ZHANG Gen-Sheng College of Food Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce 
摘要点击次数: 260
全文下载次数: 1612
      蜂蜜作为重要的天然甜味物质, 具有多种功能活性及健康益处, 被广泛应用在食品加工及医药产业中。由于蜂蜜具有较高的营养价值和特殊的功能活性而深受广大消费者的青睐。蜂蜜自古就有“调脾胃、润大肠经”的作用, 近代研究表明, 蜂蜜具有抗菌、抗炎和抗氧化等功能活性, 这些功能活性归因于其含有的特殊活性物质。蜂蜜主要由碳水化合物和水组成, 此外还包含少量蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素、矿物质以及植物次级代谢产物, 如多酚类化合物、萜烯类化合物和生物碱等。近年关于蜂蜜与健康及其在临床上的应用活性的相关报道屡见不鲜, 本文对蜂蜜功能活性及药用价值研究进行综述, 旨在为新一代蜂蜜产品开发提供新的参考和思路。
      As a crucial natural sweetener, honey has a variety of functional activities and health benefits, and widely applied in food and medicine industry. Honey is favored by consumers because of its high nutritive value and special functional activity. Honey has the function of “regulating the spleen and stomach and moistening the intestines” since ancient times. Modern research shows that honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, which are attributed to its special active substances. Honey is mainly composed of carbohydrates and water, and also contains a small amount of protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and plant secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols, terpenes and alkaloids, etc. In recent years, there are many related reports about honey and health, its clinical application activity. This article reviewed the research on the functional activity and medicinal value of honey, aiming to provide new references and ideas for the development of new generation honey products.
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