王 伟,赵海军,王紫娟,杨志龙,陈奕恺,李志佳,邝留奎.区块链在我国出口食品溯源的应用探索研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(20):8234-8241
Exploratory research on application exploration of blockchain in traceability of export food in China
投稿时间:2021-06-04  修订日期:2021-09-18
中文关键词:  区块链  出口食品  溯源  探索
英文关键词:blockchain  export food  tracing back to the source  exploratory
王 伟 湛江海关 
赵海军 湛江海关 
王紫娟 江门海关 
杨志龙 湛江海关 
陈奕恺 湛江海关 
李志佳 湛江海关 
邝留奎 湛江海关 
WANG Wei Zhanjiang Customs 
ZHAO Hai-Jun Zhanjiang Customs 
WANG Zi-Juan Jiangmen Customs 
YANG Zhi-Long Zhanjiang Customs 
CHEN Yi-Kai Zhanjiang Customs 
LI Zhi-Jia Zhanjiang Customs 
KUANG Liu-Kui Zhanjiang Customs 
摘要点击次数: 581
全文下载次数: 289
      食品安全关系国计民生。近年来食品安全问题频发, 加强出口食品安全监管特别是加强溯源体系建设愈发重要。本文首先对区块链技术的概念、特点和应用情况进行分析, 结合出口食品溯源现状, 对追踪信息及程序烦琐、信息易篡改易造假及缺乏统一平台进行有效监管等目前存在的问题进行研究, 通过论证区块链技术在食品追溯应用的技术可行性及现实应用成功实例, 足以证明以区块链技术为基础来构建出口食品溯源监管体系完全可行, 最后提出相关应用探索方案, 建立海关、地方监管部门、种养殖户、生产加工企业、消费者等各方参与, 由国内生产源头到国外分销的出口食品全链条质量安全溯源体系, 以期对提高我国出口食品质量和完善我国出口食品安全溯源管理体系建设提供一定参考。
      Food safety is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. In recent years, food safety problems occur frequently, and it is more and more important to strengthen the supervision of export food safety, especially the construction of traceability system. This article first analyzed the concept, characteristics and application of blockchain technology, combined the status quo of export food traceability, and conducts research on current problems such as cumbersome tracking information and procedures, easy information tampering and fraud, and lack of a unified platform for effective supervision. By demonstrating the technical feasibility of the application of blockchain technology in food traceability and successful practical applications, it was sufficient to prove that it was completely feasible to build an export food traceability supervision system based on blockchain technology. Finally, a relevant application exploration plan was proposed to establish a quality and safety traceability system for the entire chain of export food from domestic production sources to foreign distribution with the participation of customs, local regulatory authorities, farmers, production and processing enterprises, consumers and other parties, and it was expected to provide some reference for improving China's export food quality and perfecting the construction of China's export food safety traceability management system.
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