Legal response to prevention and control of grain pesticide pollution in China
投稿时间:2021-03-30  修订日期:2021-06-08
中文关键词:  农药  粮食污染  粮食质量安全  法律制度
英文关键词:pesticides  grain pollution  grain quality and safety  legal system
邢鸿飞 河海大学法学院 
吕汉东 河海大学法学院 
XING Hong-Fei School of Law, Hohai University 
LYU Han-Dong School of Law, Hohai University 
摘要点击次数: 532
全文下载次数: 315
      农药污染严重威了胁粮食的质量安全, 食用被农药污染的粮食会损害人们的生命健康, 甚至会影响到子孙后代。粮食农药污染巨大的危害性要求我们必须在法律层面加强防控工作。面对粮食农药污染特殊的成因和机制, 我国现行粮食农药污染防控法律制度还存在立法滞后、监管体制不完善、法律责任不明确、生态综合防治机制不完备等诸多问题, 亟需通过制定《粮食法》和《农药管理法》, 改革监管体制, 明确粮食农药污染法律责任, 健全生态综合防治机制等途径完善法律制度, 为我国粮食农药污染防控工作提供坚实的制度保障。
      Pesticide pollution pose significant threat to grain quality security. Eating grain contaminated by pesticides will damage people’s life and health, and even affects future generations. The serious harm of grain pesticide pollution requires us to strengthen the prevention and control work at the legal level. In the face of the special causes and mechanisms of grain pesticide pollution, there are still many problems in China’s current legal system for the prevention and control of grain pesticide pollution, such as lagging legislation, imperfect regulatory system, unclear legal responsibility, incomplete ecological comprehensive prevention and control mechanism, and so on. In order to provide a solid institutional guarantee for the prevention and control of grain pesticide pollution in China, it is urgent to improve the legal system of grain pesticide pollution through the formulation of the Grain Law and the Pesticide Management Law, reform the regulatory system, clarify the legal responsibility for grain pesticide pollution, and improve the ecological comprehensive prevention and control mechanism.
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