Study on the capacity building for drug inspection of Changsha institute for food and drug control by situation analysis method
投稿时间:2020-10-26  修订日期:2021-01-12
中文关键词:  态势分析法  食品药品检验所  药品检验  能力建设
英文关键词:situation analysis method  institutes for food and drug control  drug inspection  capacity building
邱志鹏 长沙市食品药品检验所 
雷德卿 长沙市食品药品检验所 
QIU Zhi-Peng Changsha Institute for Food and Drug Control 
LEI De-Qing Changsha Institute for Food and Drug Control 
摘要点击次数: 576
全文下载次数: 408
      目的 运用态势分析法探讨长沙市药品检验能力建设的基本策略。方法 运用态势分析法基本原理, 从优势、劣势、机会、挑战4个方面对长沙市食品药品检验所进行深入分析, 并提出加强药品检验能力建设的策略。结果 长沙市食品药品检验所需要提升质量管理适应新形式, 发挥传统优势扩充新资质, 结合区域产业情况发展特色检验模式。结论 态势分析法用于研究长沙市食品药品检验所药品检验能力建设简单可行, 可以为基层食品药品检验机构改革发展提供借鉴。
      Objective To explore the basic strategy of the capacity building for drug inspection of Changsha by situation analysis method. Methods Using the basic principle of situation analysis method, the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of Changsha Institute for Food and Drug Control were analyzed, and the strategies to strengthen the construction of drug inspection capacity were proposed. Results Changsha Institute for Food and Drug Control should improve the quality management to adapt to the new form, give full play to the traditional advantages of testing, expand the testing qualification, and develop the characteristic inspection mode combined with regional industrial. Conclusion Situation analysis method is simple and feasible to study the capacity building of Changsha Institute for Food and Drug Control, which can provide references for the reform and development of grass-roots institutes for food and drug control.
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