Problems in the labeling of food contact materials plastic products and suggestions for improvement
投稿时间:2020-05-25  修订日期:2020-11-05
中文关键词:  食品接触材料  塑料制品  标签标识
英文关键词:food contact material  plastic products  label tag
夏铭德 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 
李洁君 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 
李文慧 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 
XIA Ming-De Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research 
LI Jie-Jun Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research 
LI Wen-Hui Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research 
摘要点击次数: 518
全文下载次数: 343
      食品接触材料制品作为在正常使用条件下, 各种已经或预期可能与食品或食品添加剂接触、或其成分可能转移到食品中的材料和制品, 是日常生活中十分常见且必需的产品。而塑料制品则占到了其中的绝大多数。随着这几年消费者与政府对食品接触材料安全的重视, 其产品本身的质量得到了较大幅度的提高, 但产品标签标识却依然存在较多的问题。本文结合日常工作经验, 对目前食品接触材料塑料制品标签标识存在的问题进行整理分析, 并提出改进意见, 以期为生产企业规范标签标识提供参考。
      Food contact material products, as various materials and products that have been or are expected to come into contact with food or food additives, or whose components may be transferred to food under normal conditions of use, are very common and necessary products in daily life, and plastic products make up the vast majority. As consumers and the government attach importance to the safety of food contact materials in recent years, the quality of their products has been greatly improved, but there are still many problems with product labeling. This article combined daily work experience to sort out and analyze the problems existing in the labeling and identification of plastic products of food contact materials, and put forward suggestions for improvement, so as to provide reference for production enterprises to standardize label identification.
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