程 甲,赵善贞,齐 娜,张朝晖,邓晓军.食品检验检测使用浓缩仪的评价验收[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(16):5755-5759
Evaluation and acceptance of concentrators used in food inspection and testing
投稿时间:2020-04-08  修订日期:2020-07-14
中文关键词:  食品检验检测  浓缩仪  评价验收
英文关键词:food inspection and testing  concentrator  evaluation and acceptance
程 甲 上海海关 
赵善贞 上海海关 
齐 娜 上海屹尧仪器科技发展有限公司 
张朝晖 北京海关 
邓晓军 上海海关 
CHENG Jia Shanghai Customs 
ZHAO Shan-Zhen Shanghai Customs 
QI Na Shanghai Yiyao Instrument Technology Development Co., Ltd 
ZHANG Zhao-Hui Beijing Customs 
DENG Xiao-Jun Shanghai Customs 
摘要点击次数: 671
全文下载次数: 373
      目的 确认食品检验检测实验室用旋转蒸发浓缩仪和氮吹浓缩仪在产品验收时的性能指标。方法 参考国家相关标准对旋转蒸发浓缩仪和氮吹浓缩仪的工作条件、外观、功能、标志、包装、文件、运输、储存, 相关质量及售后服务等内容进行评价, 并分别对乙腈和正己烷2种溶剂的浓缩时间进行测试, 从而得到浓缩结果的平行性。结果 2种溶剂浓缩时间的置信区间分别在0.43~3.38和0.93~5.41之间。结论 本次评价验收的实验室溶剂浓缩仪器符合实验要求, 可投入使用。
      Objective To confirm the performance indicators of the rotary evaporation concentrator and nitrogen blowing concentrator used in food inspection and testing laboratories during product acceptance. Methods According to relevant national standards, the working conditions, appearance, function, logo, packaging, documentation, transportation, storage, related quality and after-sales service of the rotary evaporation concentrator and nitrogen blowing concentrator were evaluate. The concentration time of acetonitrile and n-hexane was tested respectively, and the parallelism of the concentration results was obtained. Results The confidence intervals for the concentration time of the two solvents were between 0.43 to 3.38 and 0.93 to 5.41, respectively. Conclusion The laboratory solvent concentration instrument accepted in this evaluation meets the experimental requirements and can be put into use.
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