何 涛,王 超,陈 艳,蔡 军,梁 群,张 艳,张秀宇,裴新荣.灾害疫情应急状态下食品安全监管浅议[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(10):3335-3338
Discussion on food safety supervision in disaster epidemic situation
投稿时间:2020-02-02  修订日期:2020-05-15
中文关键词:  新型冠状病毒  疫情  食品安全监管  信息化
英文关键词:2019-nCoV  epidemic  food safety supervision  information technology
何 涛 中国食品药品企业质量安全促进会 
王 超 北京信睿浩扬科技有限公司 
陈 艳 国家食品安全风险评估中心国家卫生健康委员会食品安全风险评估重点实验室 
蔡 军 北京信睿浩扬科技有限公司 
梁 群 北京信睿浩扬科技有限公司 
张 艳 北京信睿浩扬科技有限公司 
张秀宇 贵州省分析测试研究院 
裴新荣 中国食品药品检定研究院 
HE Tao China Food and Drug Corporation Quality and Safety Promotion Association 
WANG Chao Beijing Xinrui Haoyang Technology Co., Ltd 
CHEN Yan NHC Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment 
CAI Jun Beijing Xinrui Haoyang Technology Co., Ltd 
LIANG Qun Beijing Xinrui Haoyang Technology Co., Ltd 
ZHANG Yan Beijing Xinrui Haoyang Technology Co., Ltd 
ZHANG Xiu-Yu Guizhou Academy of Testing and Analysis 
PEI Xin-Rong National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
摘要点击次数: 776
全文下载次数: 450
      2020年春节前夕, 我国发生了新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情, 并在短期内扩大到全国和其他国家和地区。此次疫情给我国食品行业带来极大影响, 尤其是餐饮行业受灾最为严重。鉴于我国互联网行业已发展的相当成熟, 网络销售食品行为已经得到广大消费者认可, 我国可以充分利用这一优势, 将食品安全监管与信息化技术手段进行有机结合, 既为做好特殊时期食品安全监管工作提供了手段, 又可以解决食品企业在特殊时期面临的困境, 在做好企业帮扶工作的同时做好相应的监管工作。
      Before the Spring Festival of 2020, the outbreak of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection in China spread to the whole country and other countries and regions in a short term. The epidemic has greatly affected China's food industry, especially the catering industry. In view of the considerable maturity of China's Internet industry, online food sales have been recognized by majority consumers. China can make full use of this advantage in combining food safety supervision and information technology. This will provides means for food safety supervision in special periods as well as solve the plight of food companies at such times. It can benefit in enterprise assistance work and supervisory work at the same time.
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