Research progress on rapid detection methods of organophosphorus pesticides
投稿时间:2019-03-22  修订日期:2019-04-10
中文关键词:  有机磷农药  免疫分析法  酶抑制法  生物传感器
英文关键词:organophosphorus pesticide  immunoassay  enzyme inhibition method  biosensor
张少恩 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
桑丽雅 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
王振国 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
陈青州 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
杨中飞 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
陈笑笑 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
王伟萍 杭州南开日新生物技术有限公司 
ZHANG Shao-En Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
SANG Li-Ya Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
WANG Zhen-Guo Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
CHEN Qing-Zhou Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
YANG Zhong-Fei Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
CHEN Xiao-Xiao Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
WANG Wei-Ping Hangzhou NanKai Biotech Co.,Ltd. 
摘要点击次数: 1023
全文下载次数: 1015
      目前有机磷农药在农业生产中应用广泛, 但是其在食品、水及环境中的残留对人体产生较严重的健康威胁。传统的检测方法比较耗时, 且需要大型仪器设备, 不适合现场测定, 因此有机磷农药的快速检测方法的开发十分重要。本文综述了免疫分析法、酶抑制法及生物传感器法在有机磷农药检测中的应用, 以期为相关检测人员的工作和对有机磷农药残留的快速检测方法的继续研究提供参考。
      At present, organophosphorus pesticides are widely used in agricultural production, but their residues in food, water and the environment pose serious health threats to the human body. The traditional detection method is time-consuming and requires large-scale instruments and equipment, which is not suitable for on-site measurement. Therefore, the development of rapid detection methods for organophosphorus pesticides is very important. This paper reviewed the applications of immunoassay, enzyme inhibition and biosensor methods in the detection of organophosphorus pesticides, in order to provide references for the work of relevant testing personnel and the continued research on rapid detection methods of organophosphorus pesticide residues.
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