Research progress of making suitability and quality characteristics of early green tea in different regions
投稿时间:2017-03-01  修订日期:2017-06-13
中文关键词:  保靖黄金茶1号  云茶春毫  中茶302  陕茶1号  桂热2号  早生种绿茶
英文关键词:Baojing golden tea 1  Yunchachunhao  Zhongcha 302  Shancha 1  Guire 2  early green tea
严文滨 福建农林大学园艺学院 
郭雅玲 福建农林大学园艺学院 
徐美娟 福建农林大学园艺学院 
黄旭建 福建农林大学园艺学院 
YAN Wen-Bin College of Horticulture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 
GUO Ya-Ling College of Horticulture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 
XU Mei-Juan College of Horticulture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 
HUANG Xu-Jian College of Horticulture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 
摘要点击次数: 1216
全文下载次数: 1410
      绿茶是我国6大茶类之首, 在我国目前的茶产业中, 绿茶的市场占有率达到70%以上, 因此, 我国对于新品种绿茶的选育投入了比较大的精力。本文综述了广西省、云南省、浙江省、湖南省、陕西省5个地区近几年通过审定的几个茶树品种, 分别为桂热2号、云茶春毫、中茶302、保靖黄金茶1号和陕茶1号, 阐述了它们的来源, 并比较了它们在萌芽期、树型、叶态、适制性、感官审评和生化成分含量这几个方面的异同点, 发现它们的共同点为都属于早生种, 抗逆性和适应较强, 且产量都较大。但5个品种的绿茶在叶态、感官审评和生化成分含量方面有着一定的差异。通过对5个绿茶品种的品质特征的综述与比较, 以期为未来新品种绿茶的育种方向提供参考。
      Green tea is China's largest tea industry, and the market share of green tea is more than 70% in our country’s current tea industry. So China has invested a great deal of effort in selection and breeding of new varieties of green tea. This paper reviewed several tea varieties from different provinces, including Guire 2, Yunchachunhao, Zhongcha 302, Baojing golden cha 1 and Shancha 1, which respectively were from Guangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Hunan and Shanxi. This paper described their sources, and compared their similarities and differences in sprouting, tree type, leaf type, adaptability, sensory evaluation and biochemical composition. It found that their common characteristics were early species. They also had strong resistance and adaptability, and had larger output. But 5 varieties of green tea had differences in leaf state, sensory evaluation and biochemical composition. Through the review and comparison of the quality characteristics of 5 green tea varieties, it will provide references for the future breeding direction of new green tea varieties.
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