王舒乐,吕敬章,黄李华,马淑棉,黄欣迪,刘慧玲,赵 芳,洪小柳.液相芯片技术在食品安全领域的研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2016,7(11):4550-4556
Research progress of liquid chip technology in the field of food safety
投稿时间:2016-09-18  修订日期:2016-11-18
中文关键词:  液相芯片技术  荧光编码微球  食品安全  食源性致病菌  转基因食品  农兽药残留
英文关键词:liquid chip technology  fluorescence microspheres  food safety  foodborne pathogens  genetically modified food  pesticide and veterinary drug residuals
基金项目:国家质检总局科技项目(2015IK251, 2015IK252, 2016IK236)、深圳出入境检验检疫局科技项目(SJ201403, SZ2014207)、深圳市科技计划基础研究项目(JCYJ20140419145738522, JCYJ20140419151654444)、国家自然科学青年基金项目(31401585)
王舒乐 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心,北京师范大学珠海分校工程技术学院 
吕敬章 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
黄李华 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
马淑棉 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
黄欣迪 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
刘慧玲 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
赵 芳 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
洪小柳 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心 
WANG Shu-Le Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center,College of Engineering and Technology, Beijing Normal University 
LV Jing-Zhang Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
HUANG Li-Hua Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
MA Shu-Mian Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
HUANGXin-Di Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
LIU Hui-Ling Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
ZHAO Fang Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
HONG Xiao-Liu Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center 
摘要点击次数: 1550
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      液相芯片技术(liquid chip technology)又称为灵活的多组分析(flexible multi-analyte profiling, xMAP)技术, 是利用偶联特异性探针的荧光编码微球捕获待测核酸或蛋白后, 逐一、快速地通过流式细胞仪双色激光探测区, 进行定性或定量检测。我国将液相芯片技术应用在食品安全领域仍处于起步阶段, 主要集中在食源性致病菌、转基因食品和农兽药残留等食品安全检测方面。液相芯片技术同时检测多种待测分子, 具有高通量、快速、准确、所需样品量少、检测范围宽、可自由组合检测项目等优点。本文检索了国内外的文献, 简要概述液相芯片技术的发展历史和基本原理, 并介绍该技术及其商品化试剂盒在食品安全和其他领域上的研究应用, 最后对液相芯片技术的发展前景做出展望。
      Liquid chip technology also named flexible multi-analyte profiling technology (xMAP), the fluorescence microspheres which coupling specific probe can capture nucleic acids or proteins, and then quickly pass through the two-color laser detection of the flow cytometry, to get a qualitative or quantitative detection. In China, liquid chip technology is just applied in the field of food safety, and researches mainly focus on detection of foodborne pathogens, genetically modified foods, pesticide and veterinary drug residuals. Liquid chip technology which is high-throughput, rapid, accurate, with little sample, wide detection range and free combination detection, enables a high degree of multiplexing within a single sample volume. In this paper, the domestic and international literatures were searched, the development history and the basic principles of liquid chip technology were briefly reviewed, and the applications of this technology and its commercial kit in food safety and other fields were introduced, finally the prospects for development were expounded.
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