邓秀武,高亚娟,司海丰,杨 安,李翠芳.食源性疾病现状及监控技术的研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2016,7(6):2235-2239
Advances on current situation of foodborne diseases and their monitoring technology
投稿时间:2016-05-04  修订日期:2016-06-17
中文关键词:  食源性疾病  有害物质  监控技术
英文关键词:foodborne diseases  hazardous substances  monitor
邓秀武 滦平县市场监督管理局 
高亚娟 滦平县市场监督管理局 
司海丰 滦平县发展改革局 
杨 安 滦平县市场监督管理局 
李翠芳 滦平县市场监督管理局 
DENG Xiu-Wu Luanping Market Supervision and Administration 
GAO Yan-Juan Luanping Market Supervision and Administration 
SI Hai-Feng Luanping Development and Reform Bureau 
YANG An Luanping Market Supervision and Administration 
LI Cui-Fang Luanping Market Supervision and Administration 
摘要点击次数: 1354
全文下载次数: 1108
      食源性疾病通常由食源性微生物、寄生虫、有害化学物质等物质通过食物传播的形式引起, 对人体器官组织伤害较大, 导致人体中毒, 甚至死亡。中国作为一个食品消费大国, 食品安全极为重要, 我国暴发的食源性疾病严重危害着消费者的身体健康, 并影响消费者对食品安全的信心。本文首先对我国食源性疾病的现状进行了综述, 以期提高对我国食源性疾病现状的认识和了解, 在此基础上, 从政府和检测机构两个层面对食源性疾病的监测技术进行阐述, 介绍了我国食源性疾病报告的监测网络和监测报告系统, 并具体综述了对有毒化学物质和食源性病原体的监测方法。本文有利于揭示我国食源性疾病的现状, 并为我国食源性疾病的预防、监测和控制提供可供参考的理论依据。
      Foodborne diseases which resulted from foodborne microorganisms, parasites, and harmful chemical substances have great harm to human body organs and tissues, infect human body, and even lead to death. Food safety is very important as China is a big food consumption country. The outbreaks of foodborne diseases in China seriously harm the health of consumers, and lower confidence of the consumers in food safety. In this paper, the present status of foodborne diseases was summarized to improve the understanding of the current situation of foodborne diseases in China. The monitoring technology of foodborne diseases by the government and testing institutions were introduced, including monitoring network and monitoring system of foodborne diseases in China, and the detection technology of toxic chemicals and foodborne pathogens were also reviewed. In this paper, the research status quo of foodborne diseases and detection technology were analyzed, and it could provide references for the prevention, monitoring and control of foodborne diseases in China.
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