Research progress of “clenbuterol” residues detection methods
投稿时间:2016-04-15  修订日期:2016-05-19
中文关键词:  克仑特罗  莱克多巴胺  沙丁胺醇  动物源食品
英文关键词:clenbuterol  ractopamine  salbutamol  foodstuffs of animal origin
盖圣美 渤海大学食品科学与工程学院, 辽宁省食品安全重点实验室, 生鲜农产品贮藏加工及安全控制技术国家地方 联合工程研究中心 
魏法山 河南省产品质量监督检验院 
刘登勇 渤海大学食品科学与工程学院, 辽宁省食品安全重点实验室, 生鲜农产品贮藏加工及安全控制技术国家地方 联合工程研究中心 
巩阿娜 渤海大学食品科学与工程学院, 辽宁省食品安全重点实验室, 生鲜农产品贮藏加工及安全控制技术国家地方 联合工程研究中心 
GAI Sheng-Mei College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University; Food Safety Key Lab of Liaoning Province; National & Local Joint Engineering Research Centre of Storage, Processing and Safety Control Technology for Fresh Agricultural and Aquatic Products 
WEI Fa-Shan Henan Province Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center 
LIU Deng-Yong College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University; Food Safety Key Lab of Liaoning Province; National & Local Joint Engineering Research Centre of Storage, Processing and Safety Control Technology for Fresh Agricultural and Aquatic Products 
GONG A-Na College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University; Food Safety Key Lab of Liaoning Province; National & Local Joint Engineering Research Centre of Storage, Processing and Safety Control Technology for Fresh Agricultural and Aquatic Products 
摘要点击次数: 1397
全文下载次数: 1092
      “瘦肉精”类药物是一种肾上腺类神经兴奋剂, 既可在临床上用于治疗支气管疾病, 也可作为促生长剂用于动物饲养业, 但由于人们长期食用含有此类药物的食品易引起中毒而被禁止使用。本文主要介绍克仑特罗、莱克多巴胺、沙丁胺醇等3种主要的“瘦肉精”类药物, 归纳总结我国现行有效的此类药物残留标准检测方法及其他新型检测方法, 并详细分析和评价每种药物各检测方法的优缺点。旨在为食品安全工作者及科研人员提供参考, 为肉食品行业健康快速发展和保障人们食品安全奠定基础。
      “Clenbuterol”, a kind of β-adrenergic agonist, is not only widely used as a bronchodilator in clinic, but also illegally used as growth promoters in animal production. It was forbidden due to the poison of long-term consumption of “clenbuterol”. The present paper mainly introduced the domestic and foreign current detecting standards and methods of clenbuterol, ractopamine and salbutamol. The advantages and disadvantages of each kind of drugs detection method were analyzed and evaluated. It aimed at providing references for food safety workers and researchers, and laying a good foundation to the rapid development of meat industry and the safeguard of people’s safety.
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