Uncertainty evaluation of aerobic plate count in pork
投稿时间:2016-04-01  修订日期:2016-06-13
中文关键词:  猪肉  菌落总数  不确定度
英文关键词:pork  aerobic bacterial count  uncertainty
基金项目:广东省省级科技计划项目(粤科规财字[2014]208号, 2013B091604003, 2014B070705001)
蔡大川 中国广州分析测试中心 
黄启红 中国广州分析测试中心 
邴喆 中国广州分析测试中心 
熊娟 中国广州分析测试中心 
张志军 中国广州分析测试中心 
伍玲燕 中国广州分析测试中心 
黄璇莹 中国广州分析测试中心 
陈敏儿 中国广州分析测试中心 
简艳婷 中国广州分析测试中心广东省化学危害应急检测技术重点实验室 
CAI Da-Chuan Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
HUANG Qi-Hong Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
BIN-Zhe Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
XIONG Juan Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
ZHANG Zhi-Jun Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
WU Ling-Yan Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
HUANG Xuan-Ying Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
CHEN Min-Er Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals,China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou 
JIAN Yan-Ting Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Test for Dangerous Chemicals, China National 
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      目的 建立猪肉中菌落总数检测结果的不确定度评定方法。方法 依据JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》和GB4789.2-2010《食品微生物学检验菌落总数测定》以及相关统计学方法, 对样品不确定度进行评定。结果 依据所采用的方法, 对同一样品测定10次菌落总数的扩展不确定度为0.090, k=2。结论 本研究可以对单个样品的菌落总数检测结果的不确定度作出较好的估计, 可适用于日常工作中菌落计数的不确定度评定。
      Objective To establish a method of uncertainty evaluation for the detection of aerobic plate count in pork. Methods Based on JJF 1059.1-2012 Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, GB 4789.2-2010 Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene-Detection of Aerobic Bacterial Count, and related statistical methods, uncertainty of the samples was evaluated. Results According to the methods, the extended uncertainty was 0.090 with k=2 based on 10 times of determination of the same pork sample under the same condition. Conclusion Evaluation method used in this study can estimate the uncertainty of test results of a single sample, which is suitable to evaluate the uncertainty of colony count in the daily work.
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