谭 静,平 洋,朱海华.金黄色葡萄球菌两种检测方法的比较研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2016,7(6):2277-2280
Comparative study of 2 kinds of detection methods for Staphylococcus aureus
投稿时间:2016-03-24  修订日期:2016-06-13
中文关键词:  金黄色葡萄球菌  Baird-Parker平板计数法  3M测试片法  方法比较
英文关键词:Staphylococcus aureus  Baird-Parker plate count method  3M PetrifilmTM test piece method  methods comparison
谭 静 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
平 洋 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
朱海华 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
TAN Jing Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
PING Yang Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
ZHU Hai-Hua Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
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      目的 比较Baird-Parker平板计数法和3M PetrifilmTM测试片法检测金黄色葡萄球菌的优缺点。方法 采用GB 4789.10-2010《食品微生物学检验 金黄色葡萄球菌检验》、SN/T 1895-2007《食品中金黄色葡萄球菌的快速计数法 PetrifilmTM测试片法》检测金黄色葡萄球菌菌悬液, 并对结果进行分析比较。结果 在高浓度菌液(102 CFU/mL)时, 国标法和测试片法检测金黄色葡萄球菌有显著差异, 测试片法计数较困难, 国标法检测结果值更准确, 但测试片法在简便性、检测时间等方面都优于Baird-Parker法。结论 对不同样品进行检测时应注意根据实际金黄色葡萄球菌污染程度选择合适的方法。
      Objective To compare the advantages and disadvantages of Baird-Parker plate count method and 3M PetrifilmTM test piece method for the determination of Staphylococcus aureus. Methods S. aureus in suspension samples were determined by GB 4789.10-2010 Food microbiology test Staphylococcus aureus and SN/T 1895-2007 Rapid counting method Staphylococcus aureus PetrifilmtmTM test piece method, and then the results were compared. Results PetrifilmTM test piece method and Baird-Parker plate count method had a significant difference in high concentration of S. aureus (102 CFU/mL). Test piece method was difficult but convenient and rapid, and national standard method was more accurate. Conclusion Different samples should choose appropriate methods according to the practical S. aureus pollution situation.
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