梁 靓,李毅然.转基因植物及其产品的应用价值和安全风险展望[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(11):4373-4377
Application value and safety risk expectation of transgenic plants and their products
投稿时间:2015-09-06  修订日期:2015-10-28
中文关键词:  转基因植物  检测技术  安全风险
英文关键词:transgenic plants  detection technology  safety risk
梁 靓 陕西出入境检验检疫局 
李毅然 陕西出入境检验检疫局 
LIANG Liang Shaanxi Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
LI Yi-Ran Shaanxi Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
摘要点击次数: 1500
全文下载次数: 1174
      随着转基因工程的飞速发展和转基因作物的种植推广, 转基因植物及其产品逐渐深入人们的生活。本文介绍了转基因植物及其产品的应用价值和安全风险, 从备受争议的环境和食品安全角度进行阐述, 转基因植物的种植可能导致基因漂流、自然生物种群变化、病毒异源重组等环境影响, 还可能产生过敏源、转基因作物抗性等威胁人类健康的不利影响。此外本文列举了各个国家关于转基因植物安全管理的相关法律法规, 从安全风险监管角度出发, 介绍了转基因食品的检测方法, 并对转基因植物及其产品的安全风险管理提出了建议。
      Along with the rapid development of transgenic engineering and the transgenic crops cultivation, the genetically modified crops and their products are more in-depth in people’s life. This paper mainly intro-duced the application value and safety risk of transgenic crops and their products. From a environment and food safety controversial point of view, it was discussed from the cultivation of transgenic plants leading to the environmental problems, i.e. gene drift, natural population changes and heterologous recombinant virus. Moreover, the transgenic plants could produce allergens, transgenic crops resistance and other adverse effects to human health. In addition, this paper listed the laws and regulations of the safety management relevant to transgenic plants. From aspect of safety risk supervision, the detective methods of transgenic food and suggestions about the safety risk management were also put forwarded.
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