Application of solid phase extraction column chromatography in organic compounds analysis in soy sauce
投稿时间:2015-07-16  修订日期:2015-09-16
中文关键词:  酱油  固相萃取  有机物
英文关键词:soy sauce  solid phase extraction  organic compounds
任敏 北京市理化分析测试中心, 北京市食品安全分析测试工程技术研究中心, 北京市科学技术研究院分析测试 技术重点实验室 
汪雨 北京市理化分析测试中心, 北京市食品安全分析测试工程技术研究中心, 北京市科学技术研究院分析测试 技术重点实验室 
REN Min Beijing Academy of Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Analysis and Testing Technology, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Food Safety Analysis, Beijing Centre for Physical and Chemical Analysis 
WANG Yu Beijing Academy of Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Analysis and Testing Technology, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Food Safety Analysis, Beijing Centre for Physical and Chemical Analysis 
摘要点击次数: 1155
全文下载次数: 1401
      酱油是日常生活中较为常用的调味品,随着社会对食品安全的重视,酱油中的有机物分析也日益受到关注。本文对近十年来国内外在酱油有机物分析中固相萃取(Solid Phase Extraction, SPE) 法的应用进行了概述, 归纳总结了主要用于酱油有机物分析的SPE法,可使用SPE法分析的酱油中的有机物种类,并对应用到酱油分析中的SPE方法的吸附剂进行了总结、分类。
      Soy sauce is a condiment which commonly used in daily life. Analysis of organic compounds in soy sauce are becoming increasingly important because of food safety reasons. In this paper the advances in application of organic compounds in soy sauce by SPE-chromatography were described. This review is divided into 3 parts: 1. Application of SPE in analysis of soy sauce; 2. Summary the organic compounds which can use SPE purification and concentration; 3. Classification SPE adsorbent application of organic compounds in analysis of soy sauce.
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