杨秀梅,王树峰,张 倩,逄淑梅.食品加工人员洗手消毒程序初探[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(9):3787-3790
Preliminary study on handwashing and disinfection procedures of food processing personnel
投稿时间:2015-06-04  修订日期:2015-09-22
中文关键词:  动物违禁药物  洗手消毒程序  食品加工人员
英文关键词:forbidden animal drugs  handwashing and disinfection procedures  food processing personnel
杨秀梅 青岛康大食品有限公司 
王树峰 山东出入境检验检疫局 
张 倩 山东出入境检验检疫局 
逄淑梅 青岛康大食品有限公司 
YANG Xiu-Mei Qingdao Kangda Foodstuff Co., Ltd. 
WANG Shu-Feng Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
ZHANG Qian Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
PANG Shu-Mei 山东出入境检验检疫局 
摘要点击次数: 1258
全文下载次数: 1350
      目的 验证现有洗手消毒程序能否满足动物违禁药物的消除。方法 对含有动物违禁药物氯霉素的药膏进行全手涂抹实验和手部特定部位的涂抹实验, 5人为一组, 根据现有洗手消毒程序, 分步骤进行, 包括水洗、皂液洗、水洗、次氯酸钠浸泡、水洗和酒精喷涂, 对每个步骤清洗后, 利用棉签进行手部涂抹实验, 对所获得的样本依据GB/T 22338-2008《动物源性食品中氯霉素类药物残留量测定》进行测定。结果 在较高浓度下, 现有的洗手消毒程序存在污染样品的可能。结论 出口食品企业应注意洗手消毒程序的使用, 尤其是手部涂抹药物的用药控制。
      Objective To verify whether handwashing and disinfection procedures can remove the forbidden animal drugs. Methods The hand painting experiment of full hand and specific part were carried out using chloramphenicol ointment (n=5), according to the existing handwashing and disinfection procedures, in-cluding water washing, soap washing, water washing, NaOCl soaking, water washing and alcohol spraying. After each step of cleaning, hand painting experiment was made by cotton swabbing, and the obtained samples were analyzed according to GB/T 22338-2008. Results At high concentrations, the existing washing and disinfection procedures was possible to pollute the product. Conclusion The food export companies should pay attention on handwashing and disinfection procedures, especially the use of forbidden drugs on the hand.
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