王雨昕,李筱薇,赖建强.镉暴露对人体骨骼影响的研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(6):2230-2234 |
镉暴露对人体骨骼影响的研究进展 |
Review of the studies on effect of cadmium exposure on human skeleton |
投稿时间:2015-05-20 修订日期:2015-06-02 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 镉暴露 骨密度 骨质疏松症 骨折 |
英文关键词:cadmium exposure bone mineral density osteoporosis cataclysis |
基金项目:卫生行业专项(201302005) |
摘要点击次数: 1243 |
全文下载次数: 1328 |
中文摘要: |
镉是一种环境重金属污染物, 在环境中不能进行生物降解, 在人体内半衰期长达10-30年。骨骼是镉的重要靶器官, 已有研究证实镉是诱发骨密度降低和骨质疏松症发生的危险因素之一。本文综述了镉暴露对人体骨骼影响的国内外相关文献。结果表明, 镉暴露对人体骨骼的影响因目标人群的不同而存在差异, 且主要受影响人群为中老年人, 因此研究时应对目标人群进行合理分组, 将镉污染区内尿镉浓度较高的人群划分为高暴露组较为合适。此外, 高钙摄入量是人体骨密度的保护因素, 但是目前罕有研究将目标人群的钙摄入量的状况和镉暴露状况相结合考虑, 这可能造成了对镉暴露所致骨质疏松症和骨折的风险的高估, 研究中应一同考虑目标人群的钙摄入量状况, 才能对镉暴露所致骨质疏松症和骨折的风险作出正确评估。 |
英文摘要: |
Cadmium is a heavy metal pollutant, it is non-biodegradable in the environment and its half-life within human body is as long as 10~30 years. The skeleton is considered to be the main target organ for cadmium toxicity, and researches had confirmed the correlation between cadmium toxicity and bone mineral density decrease as well as osteoporosis. This paper summarized the research on the effect of cadmium toxicity on human skeleton in different countries. The effect of cadmium exposure on skeleton varied with different target populations, and was especially strong on the elder persons. So the target population should be grouped more reasonable in these kinds of studies. People who not only live in the polluted area but also have high urinary cadmium level should be classified as the high cadmium exposure group. Also, higher calcium intake was the protective factor of bone mineral density. The risk for cadmium exposure on osteoporosis and fractures may be enlarged due to the ignorance of the combined effect on intake of calcium and cadmium exposure. The calcium intake of target population should also be considered in grouping, only in this way we can discuss the real risk of osteoporosis and fractures caused by cadmium exposure. |
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