Study on the attentions in use of reference materials according to anal-ysis of proficiency testing results
投稿时间:2014-11-17  修订日期:2014-12-16
中文关键词:  标准物质  标准物质的使用  质量管理
英文关键词:reference material  the use of reference material  quality management
基金项目:吉林省质量技术监督局科技计划项目(2012ZJK10, 2012ZJK05)
毛燕 吉林省食品检验所 
闫林 (吉林省食品检验所 
MAO Yan Jilin Province Institute for Food Control 
YAN Lin Jilin Province Institute for Food Control 
摘要点击次数: 1629
全文下载次数: 1906
      能力验证是指利用实验室间比对, 按照预先制定的准则评价参加者能力的活动。能力验证是实验室一种常用的、有效的质量控制手段。在化学分析实验室中为达到有效的质量保证, 标准物质被广泛地用于校准仪器(以及仪器设备的期间核查)、评价检测方法、为材料赋值和质量控制。本文通过分析本单位组织能力验证的原始记录, 以及其他单位组织能力验证的技术报告, 从能力验证结果分析标准物质的使用注意事项, 主要从对标准物质证书的理解、配制标准物质使用液和绘制标准物质标准曲线三个方面进行阐述。其中对标准物质证书的理解, 又从标准物质的储存条件、标准物质的用法、标准物质的有效期、标准物质的最小取样量四个方面分别进行了论述。
      Proficiency testing, taking advantage of inter-laboratory comparison, refers to an action for evaluating the capacity of participants that in accordance with the criterions established in advance. Moreover, proficiency testing is an efficient quality control method that laboratory commonly used. In order to achieve effective quality assurance in chemical analysis laboratory, reference materials are widely used in calibrating instruments (including intermediate checking), evaluating measurement methods, assigning materials and quality controlling. On the basic of analyzing the original records of our unit organized proficiency testing and the technical reports of other units organized proficiency testing programs, this paper studied on the attentions in use of reference material according to the analysis of proficiency testing results mainly from three aspects: understanding the reference material certificate, preparing the reference material usage liquid and drawing reference material calibration curve. This paper gave four expositions for understanding the reference material certificate from the storage condition, usage, validity period and the minimum amount of reference material.
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