其其格,乌尼尔,高 娃,满都呼,常建军,宋晓东.牛奶掺碱性物质几种检验方法的研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2014,5(10):3177-3180
Analysis of the alkali several methods on milk mixed
投稿时间:2014-10-09  修订日期:2014-10-09
中文关键词:  牛乳    检测
英文关键词:milk  sodium  detection
其其格 内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司 
乌尼尔 内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司 
高 娃 内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司 
满都呼 内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司 
常建军 内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司 
宋晓东 内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司 
QI Qi-Ge Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industrial Co. Ltd. 
WU Ni-Er Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industrial Co. Ltd. 
GAO Wa Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industrial Co. Ltd. 
MAN Du-Hu Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industrial Co. Ltd. 
CHANG Jian-Jun Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industrial Co. Ltd. 
SONG Xiao-Dong Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industrial Co. Ltd. 
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      目的 对牛奶掺碱性物质几种检验方法进行比对研究。方法 采用BTB试纸法、玫红酸法、原子吸收分光光度法对鲜牛乳中掺碱后残留钠离子含量检测方法进行优化, 并进行了比对分析研究。结果 BTB试纸法和玫红酸法适用范围分别为30 mg/100 g、40 mg/100 g, 而原子吸收分光光度法检出限为 0.86 mg/100 g。结论 BTB试纸法和玫红酸法受较多因素的影响其准确度, 出现假阴性或假阳性的概率较大, 而原子吸收分光光度法结果稳定性较好, 精密度好, 能很好地判断涉嫌人为掺碱。
      Objective To make a comparison and analysis of several detection methods for alkali mixed in milk. Methods By using BTB dipstick, rose acid method, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the comparison study of residual sodium content in fresh milk with doped alkali was carried out. Results After optimization of pre-treatment methods, the scope of the BTB dipstick and rose acid method were 30 mg/100 g, 40 mg/100 g, while the detection limit of atomic absorption spectrophotometry approach 0.86 mg/100 g. Conclusion BTB dipstick and rose acid method could be easily affected by lots of factors that the probability of false negative or false positive is larger. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry detection results had a greater stability and better precision and could be used as a good judgment for artificially doped alkali in milk.
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