Progress of molecular identification techniques used in meat and meat products
投稿时间:2014-08-26  修订日期:2015-01-29
中文关键词:  肉类掺假  肉种鉴别  PCR  实时定量PCR  分子指纹技术
英文关键词:meat adulteration  meat identification  PCR  real-time quantitative PCR  fingerprinting technique
基金项目:国家质检总局科技计划项目(2014IK105)、天津检验检疫局科技计划项目(TK086-2013, TK082-2013)
李宗梦 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心 
赵良娟 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心 
王永芳 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心 
张宏伟 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心 
LI Meng-Zong Animal, Plant and Foodstuffs Inspection Center, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
ZHAO Liang-Juan Animal, Plant and Foodstuffs Inspection Center, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
WANG Yong-Fang Animal, Plant and Foodstuffs Inspection Center, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
ZHANG Hong-Wei Animal, Plant and Foodstuffs Inspection Center, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
摘要点击次数: 1656
全文下载次数: 1579
      2013年初随着欧洲“马肉丑闻”这一食品安全事件的发生, 食品掺假这一全球性问题引发了公众对食品安全的担忧以及各国政府的关注。用于食品真伪鉴别的分子生物学技术包括经典的普通PCR技术、实时定量PCR技术, 以及近年来逐步发展起来的分子指纹技术等。此外, 基因芯片技术、多重PCR技术等可提高检测通量的新型技术近年来也得到了长足发展。随着分子生物学技术向着高灵敏度、高通量的方向发展的同时, 用于样品初筛的具有较高灵敏度和准确度的现场快速检测方法和检测设备的开发也将成为未来食品真伪鉴别的研究热点之一。本文对分子生物学技术在肉及肉制品真伪鉴别的应用和研究进展进行了综述。
      With the food safety incident of “horse meat scandal” occurring in Europe in early 2013, the global problem of food adulteration has caused more concern about food safety from the public and the governments of many countries. Molecular techniques for food authenticity identification include the conventional PCR, real-time quantitative PCR, and fingerprinting techniques which developed in recent years. In addition, high throughput technologies such as gene chip technology and multiplex PCR technology have also developed considerably. At the same time, rapid on-site detection methods and equipment with high sensitivity and high-throughput for sample screening had become a research highlight in food authenticity identification. In this paper, molecular method research progress and the corresponding application on authenticity of meat and meat products were reviewed.
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