Survey and analysis on acquisition of food safety knowledge and publicity need of food consumers in part of rural areas of China
投稿时间:2014-04-03  修订日期:2014-04-21
中文关键词:  消费者  食品安全  宣传需求
英文关键词:consumers  food safety  publicity need
曹睿 中国医学科学院医学信息研究所 
韩志超 国家食品安全风险评估中心 
CAO Rui Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 
HAN Zhi-Chao National Center for Risk Assessment of Food Safety 
摘要点击次数: 2234
全文下载次数: 1487
      目的 了解我国部分农村地区消费者食品安全知识掌握情况和宣传需求。方法 于2010 年4 月10 日至2010 年4 月30 日, 在7 个农村地区, 通过问卷调查方式, 对1742 名消费者进行抽样调查。 结果 78.6%(1370 人)消费者具有较强意愿, 接受食品安全知识讲解; 消费者对饮食安全、法律法规、标准、食品营养知识、儿童食品安全等方面食品安全知识都具有较强需求; 当购买到不安全食品时, 13.3%(231/1742)消费者选择向法院诉讼; 84.4%(1470人)消费者认为政府部门应该加强科普教育和宣传, 提高消费者自我保护意识。结论 应更加重视食品安全知识宣传工作的作用, 开展高效的、适用性强的食品安全宣传工作, 建立良好的投诉机制, 不断提高农村地区消费者食品安全认知及维权意识, 改善农村食品安全整体环境。
      Objective To investigate the acquisition of food safety knowledge and publicity need of rural food consumers. Methods A census on rural consumers was conducted from April 10 to 30, 2010. Totally 1742 consumers were selected from 7 pilot counties. Results Totally 78.6% (1370) consumers were willing to accept food safety education; consumers had strong needs for acquiring food safety knowledge including children’s food safety, nutrition knowledge, laws and regulations, etc. ; When purchasing unsafe food, 13.3% consumers (231/1742) chose to take legal proceedings ; 84.4% (1470) consumers believed that the government should strengthen popular science education and publicity to enhance consumers’ self-protection consciousness. Conclusion The need for strengthening the publicity of food safety knowledge is necessary. It’s an urgent need to carry out effective and adaptable publicity work, to establish a sound consumer complaints mechanism, to increase rural food consumer groups’ food safety knowledge and the conception of the rights protection and to rapidly and comprehensively improve the overall environment of food safety in rural areas.
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