






2012.10–2016.12 比利时根特大学 食品质量与安全  应用生物工程博士

2015.06–2015.12 比利时鲁汶大学联合培养博士

导师:Mieke Uyttendaele教授

2009.08–2012.06 南京农业大学 食品科学专业 工学硕士

导师:徐幸莲 教授

2005.09–2009.06  南京农业大学    生物技术     理学学士



2017—今 上海理工大学 健康科学与工程学院 副教授












Niu, H., MingzheYang, Qi, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, X., & Dong, Q. (2022). Heat shock in Cronobacter sakazakii induces direct protection and cross-protection against simulated gastric fluid stress. Food Microbiology.(SCI 1区,通讯作者)

Wang, X., Xie, Y., Cai, H., Duan, S., Song, X., Wu, Y., . . . Liu, H. (2021). Growth and survival characteristics of Salmonella enterica regarding antibiotic resistance phenotypes. LWT, 111872. (SCI 2区,第一作者)

Fang, T., Wu, Y., Xie, Y., Sun, L., Qin, X., Liu, Y., . . . Wang, X. (2021). Inactivation and Subsequent Growth Kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes After Various Mild Bactericidal Treatments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 646735-646735. (SCI 2区,通讯作者)

Wang, X., Tian, S., Wu, Y., Li, H., Bai, L. I., Liu, H., . . . Dong, Q. (2021). Strain Variability in Growth and Thermal Inactivation Characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes Strains after Acid Adaptation. Journal of Food Protection, 84(12), 2229-2236.(SCI 4区,第一作者)

Dong, Q., Zhang, W., Guo, L., Niu, H., Liu, Q., & Wang, X. (2020). Influence of Lactobacillus plantarum individually and in combination with low O2-MAP on the pathogenic potential of Listeria monocytogenes in cabbage. Food Control, 107, 106765.(SCI 2区,通讯作者)

Jia, K., Fang, T. S., Wang, X., Liu, Y. T., Sun, W. X., Wang, Y. R., . . . Dong, Q. L. (2019). Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Retail Foods in Mainland China: A Meta-Analysis. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. (SCI 3区,共同一作)

Ding, C., Liu, Q., Li, J., Ma, J., Wang, S., Dong, Q., . . . Wang, X. (2019). Attenuated Listeria monocytogenes protecting zebrafish (Danio rerio) against Vibrio species challenge. Microbial Pathogenesis, 132, 38-44. (SCI 3区,通讯作者)

Haberbeck, L. U., Wang, X., Michiels, C., Devlieghere, F., Uyttendaele, M., & Geeraerd, A. H. (2017). Cross-protection between controlled acid-adaptation and thermal inactivation for 48 Escherichia coli strains. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 241, 206-214. (SCI 2区,共同一作)

Wang, X., Devlieghere, F., Geeraerd, A., & Uyttendaele, M. (2017). Thermal inactivation and sublethal injury kinetics of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes in broth versus agar surface. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 243, 70-77.(SCI2区,第一作者)

Wang, X., Uyttendaele, M., Geeraerd, A., Steen, L., Fraeye, I., & Devlieghere, F. (2016). Thermal inactivation kinetics of surface contaminating Listeria monocytogenes on vacuum-packaged agar surface and ready-to-eat sliced ham and sausage. Food Research International, 89, Part 1, 843-849. (SCI 1区,第一作者)

赵昇,吴学妍,张硕,王君,黎京滔,吴瑜凡,申进玲,王翔,董庆利(2022). ε-聚赖氨酸对重要食源性致病菌的控制效果研究进展.食品与发酵工业. (通讯作者)


王翔, 卓启云, 吴瑜凡, 刘阳泰, 李红梅, & 董庆利. (2021)CRISPR-Cas系统在食源性致病菌中的结构与功能研究进展. 中国食品学报,1-7. (第一作者)

程颖, 董庆利, 刘阳泰, 李红梅, 王园, & 王翔. 单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌菌株分型与其致病潜力基因相关性研究进展. 食品科学, 1-12. (通讯作者)

方太松, 王军, 王晔茹, 吴瑜凡, 刘阳泰, 王翔, & 董庆利. (2020). 我国熟肉制品中金黄色葡萄球菌污染状况Meta分析. 生物加工过程, 18(03), 386-391. (通讯作者)

方太松, 吴瑜凡, 石宁馨, 常敏, 胡斌, 刘阳泰, . . . 王翔. (2021). 食源性致病菌生长延滞 (通讯作者)

朱玉婷, 郑家铭, 刘弘, 刘阳泰, 李卓思, 王翔, & 董庆利. (2021). 单增李斯特菌生态行为模型构建及机制研究进展. 包装工程, 42(13), 49-56. (通讯作者)