Molecular Nutrition & Food ResearchCritical Reviews in Food Science And Nutrition
Trends in Food Science & Technology Food and Bioprocess Technology 
Food Chemistry Food Microbiology  
International Journal of Food MicrobiologyFood Quality and Preference 
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 
Food Control Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
Food Hydrocolloids Journal of Cereal Science  
Meat Science  Food and Chemical Toxicology 
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine ResearchJournal of Dairy Science 
Plant Foods for Human NutritionFood Research International  
Chemical Senses  Lwt-Food Science and Technology  
Postharvest Biology and Technology  Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment
International Dairy Journal Biotechnology Progress 
Journal of Food EngineeringFoodborne Pathogens and Disease
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Food Analytical Methods 
Flavour and Fragrance JournalFood Policy 
Journal of Dairy Research  Journal of Sensory Studies
Journal of Food Science  Food and Nutrition Bulletin
Journal of Food Protection  Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture Food Security  
Food Biophysics Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society  
European Food Research and Technology  European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology  
Journal of Medicinal Food Packaging Technology and Science  
Cereal Chemistry Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture  
Journal of Functional Foods Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry  
Starch-StarkeFood Reviews International 
Journal of Aoac International International Journal of Food Science and Technology 
Food and Bioproducts Processing Dairy Science & Technology  
Journal of Oleo Science Chemosensory Perception  
Cereal Foods World  Journal of The American Society of Brewing Chemists 
Analytical Methods