庞 洁,梁善范,唐 琼,黄艳桃,黄 丽,张 静,范云燕,聂伉平.2021—2023年南宁市居民主要食品重金属污染健康风险评估[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(23):215-222
Health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in main food of Nanning City residents during 2021 to 2023
投稿时间:2024-10-12  修订日期:2024-12-03
中文关键词:  食品  健康风险评估  重金属  污染
英文关键词:Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing
庞 洁 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
梁善范 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
唐 琼 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
黄艳桃 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
黄 丽 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
张 静 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
范云燕 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
聂伉平 1.南宁市疾病预防控制中心, 南宁市食品卫生安全与检测重点实验室 
PANG Jie 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
LIANG Shang-Fan 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
TANG Qiong 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
HUANG Yan-Tao 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
HUANG Li 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
ZHANG Jing 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
FAN Yun-Yan 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
NIE Kang-Ping 1.Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning Key Laboratory of Food Hygiene Safety and Testing 
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      目的 调查南宁市居民主要食品重金属砷、镉、铅、汞的污染浓度, 评估食品的砷、镉、铅、汞暴露对当地居民造成的健康风险。方法 采集2021—2023年的南宁市居民主要食品7大类1076份监测重金属浓度, 结合本地居民膳食暴露数据, 参照WS/T 777—2021《化学物质环境健康风险评估技术指南》评估南宁市成年人主要食品重金属暴露的健康风险。结果 重金属在7类食品中的平均浓度范围: 砷0.0020~0.0406 mg/kg、镉0.0015~0.2174mg/kg、铅0.0020~0.0425 mg/kg、汞0.0004~0.0312 mg/kg。按浓度平均值计算, 砷日均暴露量贡献率居前3位的为大米、蔬菜、水产品; 镉日均暴露贡献率居前3位的为大米、水产品、蔬菜; 铅的日均暴露贡献率居前3位的为大米、蔬菜、禽畜肉; 汞日均暴露贡献率居前3位的为水产品、大米、禽畜肉。风险评估结果显示, 按平均浓度计算, 成年人砷暴露的非致癌风险为男性1.00、女性1.00, 致癌风险为男性1.93×10–4、女性1.92×10–4; 成年人镉暴露的非致癌风险为男性0.87、女性0.85, 致癌风险为男性1.41×10–4、女性1.39×10–4; 成年人铅暴露的非致癌风险为男性0.23、女性0.23, 致癌风险为男性1.16×10–6、女性1.16×10–6; 成年人汞暴露的非致癌风险为男性0.23、女性0.24。砷的非致癌风险HI等于1; 镉、砷的累积致癌风险均大于1.0×10–4, 致癌风险较高; 铅的累积致癌风险为1.16×10–6。结论 南宁市居民主要食品重金属砷、镉、铅、汞暴露的非致癌风险较低, 砷的非致癌风险已达到阈值、可能有潜在非致癌风险。南宁市居民主要食品重金属砷、镉暴露具有较高致癌风险, 需重点关注; 铅暴露具有一定的致癌风险, 应引起关注。
      Objective To investigate the contamination of arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in main food of Nanning residents, to assess the health risks posed to local residents resulting from arsenic, cadmium, leadand mercury exposure to foods. Methods A total of 1076 samples in 7 types of major food of Nanning residents during 2021 to 2023 were collected to monitor the concentration of heavy metals. Combined with the dietary exposure data of local residents,the health risk of heavy metal exposure to major foods of Nanning was assessed by referring to the national health standard WS/T 777—2021 Technical guidelines for environmental health risk assessment of chemical substances. Results The average concentrations of heavy metals in 7 types of foods were as follows: Arsenic 0.0020–0.0406 mg/kg, cadmium 0.0015–0.2174 mg/kg, lead 0.0020–0.0425 mg/kg and mercury 0.0004–0.0312 mg/kg. Calculated by the average concentration, rice, vegetables and aquatic products were the top 3 in the contribution rate of arsenic. The top 3 contributors to daily average exposure of cadmium were rice, aquatic products and vegetables. The top 3 contributors to daily average exposure of lead were rice, vegetables and meat. The top 3 contributors to daily average exposure of mercury were aquatic products, rice and meat. The results of risk assessment showed that calculated by the average concentration, the non-carcinogenic risk of arsenic exposure was 1.00 for man and 1.00 for woman, with a carcinogenic risk of arsenic exposure was 1.93×10–4 for man and 1.92×10–4 for woman; the non-carcinogenic risk of cadmium exposure was 0.87 for man and 0.85 for woman, with a carcinogenic risk of cadmium exposure was 1.41×10–4 for man and 1.39×10–4 for woman; the non-carcinogenic risk of lead exposure was 0.23 for man and 0.23 for woman, with a carcinogenic risk of lead exposure was 1.16×10–6 for man and 1.16×10–6 for woman; the non-carcinogenic risk of mercury exposure was 0.23 for man and 0.24 for woman. The non-carcinogenic risk of arsenic was equal to 1. The cumulative carcinogenic risk of cadmium and arsenic was greater than 1.0×10–4, and the carcinogenic risk was high. The cumulative carcinogenic risk of lead was 1.16×10–6. Conclusion The risk of non-carcinogenic exposure of heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in the main food of Nanning residents is low. The non-carcinogenic risk of arsenic has reached the threshold and may have a potential non-carcinogenic risk. The carcinogenic risk of arsenic and of cadmium in the heavy metal exposure to the main food of Nanning residents are high, and that requires special attention. Lead exposure has a certain carcinogenic risk and shall be of concern.
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