李 冰,张立攀,王俊朋,赵梦瑶,王法云.低血糖生成指数面包配方优化及品质分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(22):40-48
Optimization and quality analysis of low glycemic index bread formula
投稿时间:2024-08-29  修订日期:2024-11-20
中文关键词:  高直链玉米淀粉  低血糖生成指数(GI)  响应面法  单因素  感官评价  淀粉消化  质构分析
英文关键词:high amylose corn starch  low glycemic index  response surface method  single factor  sensory evaluation  starch digestion  quality and structure analysis
基金项目:河南省科学院助推科技成果转化项目(220211009);河南省科学院科技开放合作项目(220911010);河南省科学院基本科研业务费(240611009);河南省科学院成果转移转化项目(231611005);河南省科学院成果转移转化项目(241611016 )。
李 冰 1.河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
张立攀 1.河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
王俊朋 1.河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
赵梦瑶 1.河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
王法云 1.河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司 
LI Bing 1.Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
ZHANG Li-Pan 1.Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
WANG Jun-Peng 1.Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
ZHAO Meng-Yao 1.Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
WANG Fa-Yun 1.Henan Commerce Science Institute Co., Ltd. 
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      目的 制备以高直链玉米淀粉为主要原料的低血糖生成指数(glycemic index, GI)面包, 并对其品质进行分析评价。方法 以感官评价为指标, 通过单因素和响应面法优化低GI面包配方, 同时对面包的质构特性和淀粉消化率进行优化的探索。结果 研制的低GI面包的最优配方为: 添加高直链玉米淀粉31%、白砂糖20%、酵母粉2.3%, 此配方工艺条件下的面包感官评分较高, 为92.00分。低GI面包的硬度为921.5 N, 弹性0.9203, 胶黏性1107.3 N, 咀嚼性1061.6, 凝聚性0.707, 均优于购买的市售的低GI面包; 最优工艺下低GI 面包消化速率低于市售低GI面包。测定GI值为45.49(小于55为低GI), 属于低升糖指数食品, 可以稳定餐后血糖, 且制作的低GI面包口感好。结论 低GI面包具有更好的质构特性和更低的消化速率, 研发的产品适合血糖较高人群食用, 具有一定的开发前景。
      Objective To prepare low glycemic index (GI) bread using high amylose corn starch as the main raw material, and to analyze and evaluate its quality. Methods Using sensory evaluation as index, the formulation of low GI bread was optimized by single factor and response surface method, and the texture characteristics and starch digestibility of bread were optimized. Results The optimal formula for the low GI bread developed was: Adding 31% high amylose corn starch, 20% white sugar, and 2.3% yeast powder. Under this formula, the sensory score of the bread was relatively high, reaching 92.00 points. The hardness of low GI bread was 921.5 N, the elasticity was 0.9203, the adhesiveness was 1107.3 N, the chewiness was 1061.6, and the cohesiveness was 0.707, all of which were better than commercially available low GI bread purchased. Under the optimal process, the digestion rate of low GI bread was lower than that of commercially available low GI bread. The measured GI value was 45.49 (less than 55 indicates low GI), which belonged to low glycemic index foods, could stabilize postprandial blood sugar, and the low GI bread had a good taste. Conclusion Low GI bread has better texture characteristics and lower digestion rate. The developed product is suitable for people with high blood sugar and has certain development prospects.
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