颜少宾,郭 瑞,周 平,周丹蓉,金 光.不同套袋处理对桃果实品质的影响[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(21):115-123
Effects of different bagging treatments on Prunus persica fruit quality
投稿时间:2024-08-20  修订日期:2024-11-07
中文关键词:    果实品质  主成分分析  煤污病
英文关键词:Prunus persica  fruit quality  principal component analysis  sooty blotch
颜少宾 1.福建省农业科学院果树研究所/福建省落叶果树工程技术研究中心 
郭 瑞 1.福建省农业科学院果树研究所/福建省落叶果树工程技术研究中心 
周 平 1.福建省农业科学院果树研究所/福建省落叶果树工程技术研究中心 
周丹蓉 1.福建省农业科学院果树研究所/福建省落叶果树工程技术研究中心 
金 光 1.福建省农业科学院果树研究所/福建省落叶果树工程技术研究中心 
YAN Shao-Bin 1.Fruit Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Research Centre for Engineering Technology of Deciduous Fruits 
GUO Rui 1.Fruit Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Research Centre for Engineering Technology of Deciduous Fruits 
ZHOU Ping 1.Fruit Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Research Centre for Engineering Technology of Deciduous Fruits 
ZHOU Dan-Rong 1.Fruit Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Research Centre for Engineering Technology of Deciduous Fruits 
JIN Guang 1.Fruit Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Research Centre for Engineering Technology of Deciduous Fruits 
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      目的 研究不同套袋处理条件下桃果实品质的变化。方法 以‘红花鹰嘴桃’为试验材料, 采用白色单层袋(T1)、黄色单层袋(T2)、外黄内黑双层袋(T3)、外黄内黑双层袋采前7 d解袋(T4)进行处理, 在成熟期测定果实外观色泽、煤污病的发病指数、果实可溶性糖(soluble sugar contents, SSC)含量等内在品质的变化。结果 桃果皮煤污病的发病指数T30)、色差综合指标(comprehensive color difference index, CCI)升高, 果皮着红色。T2、T3处理果实维生素C (<0.90 mg/g)、SSC (<84.00 mg/g)、可溶性固形物(soluble solids content, TSS, <11.30%)、固酸比(solid-acid ratio, AST, <25)下降, 可滴定酸含量(titratable acid content, TAC, 0.45%~0.47%)升高; T1处理这些指标的变化与T2、T3相反, 但TAC差异不显著。与T3处理相比, T4处理果实SSC (110.44 mg/g)、TSS (12.19%)含量升高, TAC (0.34%)含量下降, AST (35.40)提高1.4倍。基于主成分分析计算不同套袋处理桃果实品质综合得分: T4>对照组>T1>T3>T2。结论 外黄内黑双层袋适宜作为‘红花鹰嘴桃’的套袋材料, 采前7 d摘袋有利于果实综合品质提升。
      Objective To study the impact of different bagging treatments on the Prunus persica fruit quality under different bagging conditions. Methods The red-flower Yingzui Prunus persica was selected as the experimental materials. Three different types of fruit bags were used to bag fruits, including white single-layer bag (T1), yellow single-layer bag (T2), yellow-and-black two-layer paper pouches (T3), and the T4 treatment with yellow-and-black two-layer paper pouches were removed 7 days before harvest. The chromatic aberration of pericarp as well as the disease index of sooty blotch and soluble sugar content (SSC) fruit intrinsic quality indexes were measured in the fruit maturity stages. Results The disease index of sooty blotch from small to large were T30) and comprehensive color difference index (CCI) of the pericarp color in T3 and T4 treatments were increased then the skin turned red. Meanwhile, the content of vitamin C (<0.90 mg/g), SSC (<84.00 mg/g), soluble solids content (TSS) (<11.30%) and solid-acid ratio (AST) (<25) in two treatments including T2 and T3 were reduced, but the content of titratable acid content (TAC) (0.45%~0.47%) were increased. With the exception of the non-significant difference in TAC, the alterations observed in T1 treatment were in opposition to those observed in T2 and T3. Compared with T3 treatments, the content of SSC (110.44 mg/g), TSS (12.19%) were increased, the TAC (0.34%) content in T4 treatments were reduced, and the AST (35.40) were rose by 1.4 times. The comprehensive score of Prunus persica fruit quality under different bagging treatments were obtained by the principal component analysis methods. The results showed: The comprehensive score from high to low were T4>control group>T1>T3>T2. Conclusion The yellow-and-black two-layer paper pouches is suitable for bagging red-flower Yingzui Prunus persica , and it shall be removed 7 days before harvest to improving the fruit comprehensive quality.
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