何泽娟,操粮骏,王燕华,王冬钰,赵林芬,张乃明,谭 超.西垂茉莉的营养成分、抗氧化活性及代谢产物分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(21):155-164
Analysis of the nutrient composition, antioxidant activity and metabolites of Clerodendrum griffithianum
投稿时间:2024-07-28  修订日期:2024-10-18
中文关键词:  西垂茉莉  营养成分  抗氧化活性  超高效液相色谱四极杆静电场轨道阱质谱仪(UHPLC-OE-MS)  矿物质元素
英文关键词:Clerodendrum griffithianum  nutrient composition  antioxidant activity  ultra performance liquid chromatography-orbitrap exploris-mass spectrometry  mineral elements
何泽娟 1. 云南农业大学食品科学技术学院 
操粮骏 1. 云南农业大学食品科学技术学院 
王燕华 2. 丽江职业技术学院现代农业学院 
王冬钰 3. 云南农业职业技术学院云安产业学院 
赵林芬 4. 云南医药健康职业学院口腔医学院 
张乃明 5. 云南农业大学资源与环境学院 
谭 超 1. 云南农业大学食品科学技术学院 
HE Ze-Juan 1. College of Food Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University 
CAO Liang-Jun 1. College of Food Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University 
WANG Yan-Hua 2. College of Modern Agriculture, Lijiang College of Vocational and Technical Sciences 
WANG Dong-Yu 3. Yunnan College of Industry, Yunnan College of Agricultural Vocational and Technical Sciences 
ZHAO Lin-Fen 4. College of Dental Medicine, Yunnan Pharmaceutical and Health Care College 
ZHANG Nai-Ming 5. College of Resource and Environment, Yunnan Agricultural University 
TAN Chao 1. College of Food Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University 
摘要点击次数: 52
全文下载次数: 48
      目的 探究云南丽江西垂茉莉的营养成分、抗氧化活性及代谢产物。方法 以野生西垂茉莉可食用叶片为原料, 首先对其基本营养成分进行研究, 探讨西垂茉莉的抗氧化活性; 基于非靶向代谢组学方法, 采用超高效液相色谱-高分辨质谱(ultra performance liquid chromatography-orbitrap exploris-mass spectrometry, UPLC-OE-MS)测定样品中代谢产物含量; 电感耦合等离子体法(inductively coupled plasma, ICP)测定样品中的矿物质元素含量。结果 西垂茉莉中水分含量较高, 灰分、多糖和还原糖、总蛋白、可溶性蛋白、脂肪含量较低; 西垂茉莉表现出良好的抗氧化能力; 分析西垂茉莉样品共检出33579个化合物, 匹配度大于等于80%的化合物有228个, 共计29类; 西垂茉莉中共测得25种矿质元素, 常量元素钙、钾、磷、硫、镁的含量均高于100 mg/100 g, 微量元素铁、铝、铜、锰、铬的含量相较其他微量元素高。结论 本研究发现西垂茉莉含有丰富的营养成分, 表现出较强的抗氧化活性, 可为西垂茉莉的进一步开发利用提供参考。
      Objective To study the nutrient composition, antioxidant activity and metabolite of Clerodendrum griffithianum from Lijiang, Yunnan Province. Methods The edible leaves of wild Clerodendrum griffithianum were used as raw materials, and the basic nutrient composition was firstly investigated to explore the antioxidant activity of Clerodendrum griffithianum. The metabolite content of the samples was determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography-orbitrap exploris-mass spectrometry (UPLC-OE-MS) based on the non-targeted metabolomics approach, and the mineral element content of the samples was determined by inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Results Clerodendrum griffithianum had high moisture content and low content of ash, polysaccharides and reducing sugars, total protein, soluble protein and fat; the samples had good antioxidant capacity; a total of 33579 compounds were detected in the analysed Clerodendrum griffithianum samples, and there were 228 compounds with a match of greater than or equal to 80%, with a total of 29 classes; the 25 mineral elements in Clerodendrum griffithianum were determined, and calcium, potassium, phosphorus were found. It was found that the content of macronutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulphur and magnesium was higher than 100 mg/100 g, and the content of trace elements such as iron, aluminium, copper, manganese and chromium was higher than other trace elements. Conclusion In this study, it is found that Clerodendrum griffithianum is rich in nutrients and exhibits strong antioxidant activity, which can provide reference for the further development and utilisation of Clerodendrum griffithianum.
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