梅青,马骉,霍炳帆,厉佳丽,张明洲.荧光免疫层析法同时快速检测畜禽肉制品中3种硝基呋喃类抗生素[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(17):9-18 |
荧光免疫层析法同时快速检测畜禽肉制品中3种硝基呋喃类抗生素 |
Simultaneous and rapid detection of 3 kinds of nitrofuran antibiotics in livestock products by fluorescence immunochromatography |
投稿时间:2024-05-11 修订日期:2024-09-10 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 硝基呋喃 侧流免疫层析 铕纳米粒子 同时检测 |
英文关键词:Nitrofuran metabolites Lateral flow immunoassay Europium nanoparticles Simultaneously detection |
基金项目:浙江省重点研发计划项目(2021C02060,2022C02049);浙江省基础公益研究计划农业农村项目(LGN22C200015);浙江省”三农九方”科技协作计划揭榜挂帅项目(2023SNJF066) |
摘要点击次数: 225 |
全文下载次数: 116 |
中文摘要: |
硝基呋喃类(Nitrofuran, NF)抗生素是一类人工合成的广谱抗菌药物。因其致癌性和致突变性,NF抗生素被许多国家禁止使用,但非法使用现象屡禁不止。因此,有必要开发一种用于畜禽产品中NF抗生素及其代谢物的简便快速的定量分析方法。本研究建立了一种基于铕纳米粒子(Europium nanoparticles, EuNPs)的多重侧流免疫层析方法(Multiple lateral flow immunoassay, mLFIA),用于5-甲基吗啉-3-氨基-2-唑烷基酮(3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazoli-dinone,AMOZ)、3-氨基-2-唑烷基酮(3-amino-2-oxazolidinone,AOZ)和呋喃苯烯酸钠(Sodium nifurstylenate, NFS)的同时检测。AMOZ、AOZ和NFS的检出限(Limit of detection, LOD)分别为0.012、0.021和0.034 ng/mL,平均回收率分别为97.83~116.83%、96.35~112.56%和97.45~104.94%。实际样品检测中, EuNPs-mLFIA的检测结果与高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)高度一致。本文建立的EuNPs-mLFIA方法具有良好的灵敏度和稳定性,为多种NF抗生素的现场快速检测提供了新思路。 |
英文摘要: |
The nitrofuran (NF) antibiotics is a class of synthetic broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs. Due to its potential carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, the NF drugs have been banned in many countries. However, the illegally adulterated behavior still exists. It is necessary to develop an easy and fast method for quantitative analysis of NF antibiotic residues and metabolites in livestock products. A simple and sensitive multiple lateral flow immunoassay (mLFIA) based on europium nanoparticles (EuNPs) had been successfully established to simultaneously detect the 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazoli-dinone (AMOZ), 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) and the residues for sodium nifurstylenate (NFS) in animal tissue. The limits of detection (LODs) for AMOZ, AOZ and NFS were 0.012, 0.021 and 0.034 ng/mL, respectively. The average recoveries of AMOZ, AOZ and NFS were 97.83~116.83%, 96.35~112.56% and 97.45~104.94%, respectively. In actual sample analysis, the EuNPs-mLFIA assay showed a satisfactory consistency, and the feasibility was validated by the high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Briefly, the manner exhibits good sensitivity and stability, and it will become a powerful tool for monitoring multiple NF antibiotics in field. |
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