Research progress on the mechanism of oxidative stress impairs the meat quality of chicken
投稿时间:2024-05-06  修订日期:2024-07-05
中文关键词:  肉鸡  氧化损伤  糖酵解  钙离子稳态  细胞死亡
英文关键词:broiler  oxidative damage  glycolysis  calcium ion metabolism  cell death
陈作栋 1. 南京警察学院刑事科学技术学院, 野生动植物物证技术国家林业和草原局重点实验室 
于海涛 2. 畜禽营养与饲养全国重点实验室, 农业农村部饲料工业中心 
华一卉 3. 句容市市场监督管理局 
CHEN Zuo-Dong 1. Institute of Criminal Science and Technology, Nanjing Police University, Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Wildlife Evidence Technology 
YU Hai-Tao 2. State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Feed Industry Centre, China Agricultural University 
HUA Yi-Hui 3. Jurong Market Supervision Administration 
摘要点击次数: 165
全文下载次数: 147
      肉鸡氧化应激的诱发因素愈加广泛且复杂, 造成机体不同程度的氧化损伤, 最终影响到家禽健康和产品品质。肉鸡对氧化应激尤为敏感, 肉鸡的肉品质下降很大程度上与氧化应激条件下面临的氧化损伤危害增大有关, 因此揭示氧化应激影响鸡肉品质形成的内在机制具有重要意义。本文从肉鸡的能量代谢、钙离子代谢和细胞凋亡3个方面, 深入介绍了肌肉中氧化损伤的发生机制, 可为揭示氧化应激造成鸡肉品质下降的作用机制和肉鸡生产中应激环境控制提供理论基础。
      The triggering factors of oxidative stress in broilers are becoming increasingly widespread and complex, causing varying degrees of oxidative damage to the body, ultimately affecting the health and product quality of poultry. Broilers are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress, and the decline in meat quality of broilers is largely related to the increased risk of oxidative damage under oxidative stress conditions. Therefore, revealing the underlying mechanism by which oxidative stress affects the formation of chicken quality is of great significance. This paper provided an in-depth introduction to the mechanism of oxidative damage in muscles from 3 aspects: Energy metabolism, calcium ion metabolism, and cell apoptosis in broilers. It can provide a theoretical basis for revealing the mechanism of oxidative stress causing a decline in chicken quality and controlling the stress environment in broiler production.
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