陈 虎,陈赛赛,吴 琼,杨文博,徐 民,郑 琳.八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量分析及安全性评价[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(13):215-223 |
八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量分析及安全性评价 |
Analysis and safety evaluation of sulfur dioxide residue in Illicium verum |
投稿时间:2024-04-03 修订日期:2024-07-09 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 八角茴香 二氧化硫残留量 检测 评价分析 |
英文关键词:Illicium verum residual sulfur dioxide detection evaluation and analysis |
基金项目:2022年安阳市科技攻关项目(2022C01SF039) |
摘要点击次数: 213 |
全文下载次数: 173 |
中文摘要: |
目的 检测预包装与散装八角茴香流通、生产(分装)、餐饮环节中二氧化硫残留量情况, 并对其进行安全性评价。方法 在大型商场、批发零售市场、餐饮企业、网络平台等不同领域随机抽取预包装与散装八角茴香90批次、新鲜湿八角16批次, 参照GB 5009.34—2022《食品安全国家标准 食品中二氧化硫的测定》检测二氧化硫残留量, 依据GB 2760—2014《食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂使用标准》规定对八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量进行评价分析, 并从食品、药品两方面对其进行健康风险评估。结果 90批次八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量超出标准限值的为13.3%, 其中预包装和散装八角茴香二氧化硫残留量平均值分别为33.6 mg/kg和93.6 mg/kg, 超标率分别为2.5%和22.0%。流通环节、生产(分装)环节和餐饮环节八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量平均值分别为66.3、42.4、90.6 mg/kg, 超标率分别为12.5%、8.3%、21.4%。16批次新鲜湿八角中二氧化硫本底值的平均值为9.38 mg/kg。散装八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量高于预包装八角茴香, 且散装八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量超标率显著高于预包装八角茴香(X2=7.313, P=0.007)。流通、生产(分装)、餐饮各个环节均存在二氧化硫残留量超标现象, 各环节超标率比较差异无统计学意义(X2=1.092, P=0.579)。结论 八角茴香作为食品使用时, 各年龄段人群对散装和预包装八角茴香中的二氧化硫暴露风险系数均小于1, 但作为药品使用时, 低年龄段人群对部分八角茴香中的二氧化硫暴露风险系数大于1, 在风险管理上需引起足够重视。在生产、消费、研发等各领域均应加强宣传监管力度, 控制八角茴香中二氧化硫残留量, 确保八角茴香质量安全。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To detect the residual sulfur dioxide in pre-packaged and bulk Illicium verum during circulation, production (sub-packaging) and catering processes, and to evaluate its safety. Methods A total of 90 batches of pre-packaged and bulk Illicium verum and 16 batches of fresh wet Illicium verum were randomly collected from different areas such as supermarkets, whole sale markets, catering enterprise and network platform, the sulfur dioxide residues of them were measured according to the GB 5009.34—2022 National standards for food safety-Determination of sulfur dioxide content in food and evaluated by GB 2760—2014 National standards for food safety-Standards of using food additives, and the health risk assessment was carried out from both food and drug aspects. Results The violation rate of sulfur dioxide residue was 13.3% in 90 batches of Illicium verum, thereinto the average amount of sulfur dioxide residues in pre-packaged and bulk Illicium verum was 33.6 mg/kg and 93.6 mg/kg, and the violation rate was 2.5% and 22.0%, respectively. The average amount of sulfur dioxide residue in Illicium verum in circulation, production (sub-packaging) and catering sectors was 66.3, 42.4, 90.6 mg/kg, and the over-standard rate was 12.5%, 8.3%, 21.4%, respectively. The average background value of sulfur dioxide in 16 batches of fresh wet Illicium verum was 9.38 mg/kg. The residual amount of sulfur dioxide in bulk Illicium verum was higher than that in pre-packaged Illicium verum, and the residual excess rate of sulfur dioxide in bulk Illicium verum was significantly higher than that in pre-packaged Illicium verum (X2=7.313, P=0.007). There were excessive sulfur dioxide residues in all of the circulation, production (sub-packaging) and catering links, and there was no significant difference in the rate of each sector (X2=1.092, P=0.579). Conclusion When Illicium verum is used as food, the risk coefficient of exposure to sulfur dioxide in bulk and pre-packaged Illicium verum in all age groups is less than 1, but when used as medicine, the risk coefficient of exposure to sulfur dioxide in some Illicium verum in people of lower age group is greater than 1, and sufficient attention shall be paid to risk management. The publicity and supervision shall be strengthened in all aspects of the production, consumption, research and development, and the residual amount of sulfur dioxide in Illicium verum shall be controlled to ensure the quality and safety of Illicium verum. |
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