赵 娟,单吉浩,李智文,于福利,张 利,雷一越,赵彩会,薛妮妮,王 璐,贺习文.通过式固相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定糕点中15种抗氧化成分[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(14):195-202
Determination of 15 kinds of antioxidant components in pastry by pass-through solid phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography
投稿时间:2024-03-16  修订日期:2024-06-13
中文关键词:  高效液相色谱法  天然抗氧化成分  合成抗氧化剂  糕点  固相萃取[1]
英文关键词:high performance liquid chromatography  natural antioxidants  synthetic antioxidants  pastry  solid phase extraction
赵 娟 1. 陕西秦云农产品检验检测股份有限公司 
单吉浩 2. 中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所 
李智文 3. 陕西省农业检验检测中心 
于福利 3. 陕西省农业检验检测中心 
张 利 4. 重庆市动物疫病预防控制中心 
雷一越 1. 陕西秦云农产品检验检测股份有限公司 
赵彩会 5. 陕西省畜牧技术推广总站 
薛妮妮 6. 陕西省渭南市华阴市农业技术推广中心 
王 璐 1. 陕西秦云农产品检验检测股份有限公司 
贺习文 1. 陕西秦云农产品检验检测股份有限公司 
ZHAO Juan 1. Shaanxi Qinyun Agricultural Products Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd. 
SHAN Ji-Hao 2. Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science 
LI Zhi-Wen 3. Agricultural Inspection and Testing Center of Shaanxi Province 
YU Fu-Li 3. Agricultural Inspection and Testing Center of Shaanxi Province 
ZHANG Li 4. Chongqing Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center 
LEI Yi-Yue 1. Shaanxi Qinyun Agricultural Products Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd. 
ZHAO Cai-Hui 5. Shaanxi Provincial Animal Husbandry Technology Extension Station 
XUE Ni-Ni 6. Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province 
WANG Lu 1. Shaanxi Qinyun Agricultural Products Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd. 
HE Xi-Wen 1. Shaanxi Qinyun Agricultural Products Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd. 
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      目的 建立通过式固相萃取-高效液相色谱法同时测定糕点中7种天然抗氧化成分和8种合成抗氧化剂的定量分析方法。方法 目标物采用1%乙酸乙腈溶液提取, 用通过式亲水亲油平衡(hydrophilic and oleophilic balance, HLB)固相萃取柱净化, 净化液浓缩处理后供高效液相色谱仪分析, 15种目标物以0.5%甲酸溶液-甲醇为流动相梯度洗脱, C18色谱柱分离, 二极管阵列检测器280 nm处测定。结果 15种抗氧化成分在1~50 μg/mL范围内有良好的线性关系, 表没食子酸儿茶素的检出限(limit of detection, LOD)为2 mg/kg, 定量限(limit of quantification, LOQ)为5 mg/kg, 其余14种化合物的LOD为0.2 mg/kg, LOQ为0.5 mg/kg; 各组分的平均回收率为88.10%~94.73%, 相对标准偏差(relative standard deviations, RSDs)≤5.2%。结论 本方法具有快速简单、高灵敏度、重现性好等优点, 对糕点中抗氧化剂含量的检测具有很好的实用价值, 同时为糕点的质量安全提供了有效的技术支持。
      Objective To establish a method for the determination of 7 kinds of natural antioxidants and 8 kinds of synthetic antioxidants in pastry by solid phase extraction high-performance liquid chromatography. Methods The targets were extracted with 1% acetonitrile acetate solution, purified with pass-through HLB solid-phase extraction column, and the purified solution was concentrated for High-performance liquid chromatography analysis. The 15 kinds of targets were eluted with 0.5% formic acid in methanol as mobile phase gradient, separated by C18 column, and determined at 280 nm by diode array detector. Results There was a good linear relationship among the 15 kinds of antioxidant components in the range of 1–50 μg/mL. The limit of detection (LOD) of epigallocatechin was 2 mg/kg, and the limit of quantification (LOQ) was 5 mg/kg, the LOD and LOQ of the other 14 compounds were 0.2 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg, and the average recoveries were 88.10%–94.73%, the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were not greater than 5.2%. Conclusion This study has the advantages of fast, simple, high sensitivity, good reproducibility, and has a good practical value for the determination of antioxidant content in pastry, and provides effective technical support for the quality safety of pastry.
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