魏 登,李美善,李 鲤,卢忠魁,李凤林.不同肉酱比鹿肉酱中关键挥发性有机化合物的判别分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(6):10-21
Discriminant analysis of key volatile organic compounds in deer meat sauce with different meat sauce ratio
投稿时间:2023-12-25  修订日期:2024-03-13
中文关键词:  肉酱比  鹿肉酱  电子鼻  GC-IMS  关键VOCs。
英文关键词:meat sauce ratio  deer meat sauce  electronic nose  gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry  key volatile organic compounds
基金项目:吉林省重大科技专项课题资助项目,项目名称:“ 梅花鹿精深加工和综合利用等系列大健康产品开发 ”。(项目编号:20220304002YY)
魏 登 1. 吉林农业科技学院, 食品科学与营养工程学院, 2. 吉林省酿造技术科技创新中心, 3. 吉林农业科技学院“国家食物与营养教育示范基地”, 4. 吉林省谷物精深加工校企联合技术创新实验室 
李美善 1. 吉林农业科技学院, 食品科学与营养工程学院, 2. 吉林省酿造技术科技创新中心, 4. 吉林省谷物精深加工校企联合技术创新实验室 
李 鲤 1. 吉林农业科技学院, 食品科学与营养工程学院, 2. 吉林省酿造技术科技创新中心 
卢忠魁 1. 吉林农业科技学院, 食品科学与营养工程学院, 2. 吉林省酿造技术科技创新中心 
李凤林 1. 吉林农业科技学院, 食品科学与营养工程学院, 2. 吉林省酿造技术科技创新中心, 3. 吉林农业科技学院“国家食物与营养教育示范基地”, 4. 吉林省谷物精深加工校企联合技术创新实验室 
WEI Deng 1. College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology,2. Jilin Brewing Technology Innocation Center,3. Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology “National Food and Nutrition Education Demonstration Base”,4. Jilin Province Grain Deep Processing School Enterprise Joint Technology Innovation Laboratory 
LI Mei-Shan 1. College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology,2. Jilin Brewing Technology Innocation Center,4. Jilin Province Grain Deep Processing School Enterprise Joint Technology Innovation Laboratory 
LI Li 1. College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology,2. Jilin Brewing Technology Innocation Center 
LU Zhong-Kui 1. College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology,2. Jilin Brewing Technology Innocation Center 
LI Feng-Lin 1. College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology,2. Jilin Brewing Technology Innocation Center,3. Jilin Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology “National Food and Nutrition Education Demonstration Base”,4. Jilin Province Grain Deep Processing School Enterprise Joint Technology Innovation Laboratory 
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      目的 探究不同肉酱比对鹿肉酱中挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)影响的差异性, 并筛选不同肉酱比的关键性VOCs。方法 利用电子鼻结合气相色谱-离子迁移谱法(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry, GC-IMS)检测不同肉酱比加工的鹿肉酱样品中的香气类别及VOCs成分, 通过计算偏最小二乘法判别(partial least squares discriminant analysis, PLS-DA)和正交-偏最小二乘法判别(orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis, OPLS-DA)分析变量重要性因子(variable important for the projection, VIP), 筛选可区分不同肉酱比的鹿肉酱样品中差异性影响最关键的变量敏感物质及VOCs (VIP>1)。结果 电子鼻传感器S3、S7、S9和S10对应的氨类、芳香族、硫化物和萜烯类、芳香族、硫化氢类、烷烃类等敏感物质是不同肉酱比的鹿肉酱样品中最关键的挥发类特征性气味; 利用GC-IMS共检测出82种主要VOCs, 筛选出33种关键差异性特征VOCs (VIP>1), 与电子鼻的关键特征性香气检测结果一致。结论 基于电子鼻和GC-IMS的主要特征香气标志物的聚类分析能够有效、全面、客观地对不同肉酱比的鹿肉酱中关键挥发性性气味和VOCs进行区分和评价。
      Objective To explore the differences in the effects of different meat sauce ratios on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in deer meat sauce, and screen the key VOCs with different meat sauce ratios. Methods Using electronic nose combined with gas chromatography-ion mobility spectroscopy (GC-IMS) to detect the aroma categories and VOCs components in deer meat sauce samples processed with different meat sauce ratios. By calculating partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was used to analyze the variable important for the projection (VIP), and the most critical variable sensitive substances and VOCs (VIP>1) which could distinguish deer meat paste samples with different meat paste ratios were screened. Results The electronic nose sensors S3, S7, S9, and S10 correspond to sensitive substances such as ammonia, aromatics, sulfides and terpenes, aromatics, hydrogen sulfide and alkanes, which were the most critical volatile characteristic odors in deer meat sauce samples with different meat sauce ratios; a total of 82 main VOCs were detected using GC-IMS, and 33 key differential characteristic VOCs (VIP>1) were selected, which were consistent with the key characteristic aroma detection results of electronic nose. Conclusion Cluster analysis based on electronic nose and GC-IMS can effectively, comprehensively, and objectively distinguish and evaluate key volatile odors and VOCs in deer meat sauce with different meat sauce ratios.
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