朱会丽,杨 静,马 欢,周 娟,李 萌,马婧玮,安 莉,吴绪金.不同品种山药氨基酸组成成分分析及综合评价[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2024,15(3):293-300
Composition analysis and comprehensive evaluation of amino acids in different varieties of Chinese yams
投稿时间:2023-12-11  修订日期:2024-01-31
中文关键词:  山药  必需氨基酸  主成分分析  氨基酸含量
英文关键词:Chinese yam  essential amino acid  principal component analysis  amino acid content
朱会丽 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室,2. 河南中医药大学药学院 
杨 静 2. 河南中医药大学药学院 
马 欢 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室 
周 娟 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室 
李 萌 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室 
马婧玮 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室 
安 莉 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室 
吴绪金 1. 河南省农业科学院农产品质量安全研究所/河南省粮食质量安全与检测重点实验室 
ZHU Hui-Li 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing, 2. College of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine 
YANG Jing 2. College of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine 
MA Huan 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing 
ZHOU Juan 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing 
LI Meng 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing 
MA Jing-Wei 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing 
AN Li 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing 
WU Xu-Jin 1. Institute of Quality and Safety for Agro-products, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grain Quality Safety and Testing 
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      目的 探究不同品种山药中氨基酸的含量差异。方法 参照GB 5009.124—2016《食品安全国家标准 食品中氨基酸的测定》, 利用全自动氨基酸分析仪测定山药中氨基酸含量, 通过相关性、主成分分析进行数据分析及综合性评价。结果 20种山药中均检测出16种氨基酸, 总氨基酸含量为7.21~8.71 g/100 g, 必需氨基酸占比为27.86%~34.89%。各地均以精氨酸和谷氨酸含量最高, 总含量分别为20.77 g/100 g和26.18 g/100 g。采用主成分分析法提取3个主成分, 累积方差贡献率为82.78%, 综合评分排名前3位的品种分别是利川山药、西施山药、云岭山药。结论 通过主成分分析法区分不同品种山药中氨基酸差异, 为山药中氨基酸评价、食药资源的开发利用、良种选育、种植技术改良等方面提供可行性参考。
      Objective To explore the difference of amino acid content in different varieties of Chinese yams. Methods In this study, according to GB 5009.124—2016 National food safety standard-Determination of amino acids in foods, the amino acid content in Chinese yam was determined by automatic amino acid analyzer, and the data analysis and comprehensive evaluation were carried out by correlation and principal component analysis. Results The 16 kinds of amino acids were detected in 20 kinds of Chinese yams, the total amino acid content was 7.21?8.71 g/100 g, and the essential amino acids accounted for 27.86%?34.89% of the total amino acids. The content of arginine and glutamic acid were the highest in all regions, and the total content were 20.77 g/100 g and 26.18 g/100 g, respectively. Principal component analysis was used to extract the 3 principal components, and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 82.78%. The top 3 varieties were Lichuan yam, Xishi yam, Yunling yam. Conclusion The difference of amino acids in different varieties of Chinese yam has been distinguished by principal component analysis, which provide a feasible reference for the evaluation of amino acids in Chinese yam, the development and utilization of edible and medicinal resources, the breeding of improved varieties and the improvement of planting technology.
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