Quality discrepancy and comprehensive evaluation of Solanum muricatum Aiton
投稿时间:2023-08-17  修订日期:2023-12-08
中文关键词:  人参果  海拔  品质差异  综合评价
英文关键词:Solanum muricatum Aiton  altitude  quality discrepancy  comprehensive evaluation
杜丽娟 云南省农业科学院质量标准与检测技术研究所 
黄兴龙 石林彝族自治县经济作物站 
毕亚楠 云南省农业科学院质量标准与检测技术研究所 
杨肖华 云南云搏农业科技有限责任公司 
王云美 云南省农业科学院质量标准与检测技术研究所 
DU Li-Juan Institute of Quality Standards & Detecting Techniques, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
HUANG Xing-Long Cash Crop Station in Shilin Yi Autonomous County 
BI Ya-Nan Institute of Quality Standards & Detecting Techniques, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
YANG Xiao-Hua Yunnan Yunbo Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd 
WANG Yun-Mei Institute of Quality Standards & Detecting Techniques, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
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全文下载次数: 170
      目的 探究不同海拔、不同种植方式、不同栽培方式和不同土壤类型下石林人参果的品质差异, 并对其进行综合性评价。方法 本研究以石林县不同海拔基地种植的人参果为材料, 通过营养成分分析, 采用熵权-逼近理想解排序(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution, TOPSIS)法, 以靠近正理想解和远离负理想解为基准, 同时对人参果多个品质指标进行全面比较评价。结果 通过相关性分析得出, 可溶性固形物含量与果实中Mn间存在显著正相关, 与果实中S、Fe、K间存在显著负相关, 与土壤中有机C、Ca、Cu、Fe间存在显著正相关, 与土壤中δ13C、K、Na间存在显著负相关。还原糖含量与果实中总N间存在显著负相关, 与土壤中δ15N间存在显著正相关, 与土壤中K、Na间存在显著负相关。维生素C (vitamin C, VC)含量与果实中有机C、Ca、Fe、Mg、Mn、Na间存在显著负相关, 与土壤中Mg、Mn间存在显著负相关。可滴定酸与果实中S、Cu间存在显著正相关, 与果实中Mn间存在显著负相关, 与土壤中有机C、总N、S、Ca、Cu、P间存在显著负相关。固酸比与果实中Mn间存在显著正相关, 与果实中S、Cu、K间存在显著负相关, 与土壤中有机C、S、Ca、Cu间存在显著正相关。通过熵权-TOPSIS法评价得出, 6#最优、5#较差, 各评价对象相似度为Ci={0.3833, 0.3917, 0.3879, 0.3776, 0.2667, 0.4707, 0.4164}。结论 本研究结果可为促进人参果产业健康发展提供数据支持。
      Objective To explore the quality discrepancy of Solanum muricatum Aiton in different altitudes, planting models, cultivated types and diverse soils, and conduct a comprehensive evaluation. Methods This study was designed to focus on the multiple quality indicators to carry out comprehensive comparative evaluations simultaneously with the samples from plant base of different altitudes in Shilin County, which was analyzed by nutrients and the entropy weight-technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method and was based on the approach to positive ideal solutions and the distance from negative ideal solutions. Results Through correlation analysis, it was found that there was a significant positive correlation between soluble solid content and Mn in fruits, a significant negative correlation with S, Fe, and K in fruits, a significant positive correlation with organic C, Ca, Cu, and Fe in soil, and a significant negative correlation with δ13C, K, and Na in soil. There was a significant negative correlation between reducing sugar content and total N in fruits, a significant positive correlation with δ15N in soil, and a significant negative correlation with K and Na in soil. There was a significant negative correlation between vitamin C (VC) content and organic C, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na in fruits, and a significant negative correlation with Mg and Mn in soil. There was a significant positive correlation between titratable acids and S and Cu in fruits, a significant negative correlation with Mn in fruits, and a significant negative correlation with organic C, total N, S, Ca, Cu, and P in soil. There was a significant positive correlation between solid acid ratio and Mn in fruits, a significant negative correlation with S, Cu, and K in fruits, and a significant positive correlation with organic C, S, Ca, and Cu in soil. According to the entropy weight-TOPSIS method, 6# was the best and 5# was the worst. The similarity of the evaluation objects was Ci={0.3833, 0.3917, 0.3879, 0.3776, 0.2667, 0.4707, 0.4164}. Conclusion The results of this study can provide data support for promoting the healthy development of Solanum muricatum Aiton industry.
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