林新校,吴 泽.食品中重金属的健康风险评估研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2023,14(12):225-233
Research progress on health risk assessment of heavy metals in food
投稿时间:2023-04-09  修订日期:2023-06-16
中文关键词:  重金属  慢性毒性  农作物  生物可利用性  健康风险评估
英文关键词:heavy metal  chronic toxicity  bioaccessibility  health risk assessment
林新校 贵州民族大学生态环境工程学院 
吴 泽 贵州民族大学生态环境工程学院 
LIN Xin-Xiao College of Ecological and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University 
WU Ze College of Ecological and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University 
摘要点击次数: 787
全文下载次数: 391
      重金属作为受关注的污染物, 其毒性具有刺激性、靶器官毒性和致癌性等特点。食品中的重金属是进入人体的主要途径之一。因此, 使用精确的方法评估食品对人体的健康风险具有重要意义。重金属的人体生物可利用性可以较为贴近人体重金属暴露的实际情况, 通过模拟体外生物可利用性实验模型是现有获取重金属人体生物可利用性数据的通用方法。利用生物可利用性数据评估人体重金属暴露的健康风险相比直接利用食品重金属含量更为准确。本文综述了食品的人体生物可利用性实验方法及现行的重金属健康风险评估方法, 分析对比了各种方法的优点和局限性, 为科研人员确定不同污染物在食品中的生物可利用性提供思路和方向, 以加强食品安全评估和人体重金属暴露评估的准确性。
      Heavy metals are global pollutants with irritating toxicity, target organ toxicity and carcinogenicity. Ingestion through food is an essential pathway for heavy metals to enter into the human body. Thus, an accurate assessment of the health risks posed by food ingestion is necessary for heavy metals. Simulating the in vitro bioaccessibility experimental methods are common approaches to obtaining human bioaccessibility data for heavy metals, which is more reliable than directly utilizing the concentration of heavy metals. This paper reviewed highlights the experimental methods for assessing the human bioaccessibility of food and existing health risk assessment methods for heavy metals, discussed and compared the advantages and limitations of current methods, providing researchers with ideas and directions to determine the bioaccessibility of different pollutants in food, and improving the accuracy of food safety assessment and heavy metal exposure assessment for human health.
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