资璐熙,李为兰,杨 豪,徐柠檬,郭 磊.云南省不同产地美味牛肝菌主要滋味品质评价[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2023,14(12):91-99
Quality evaluation of the main tastes of Boletus edulis from different origins in Yunnan Province
投稿时间:2023-03-30  修订日期:2023-06-11
中文关键词:  美味牛肝菌  游离氨基酸  呈味核苷酸  主成分分析  风味评估
英文关键词:Boletus edulis  free amino acids  flavored nucleotides  principal component analysis  flavor evaluation
资璐熙 西南林业大学生命科学学院 
李为兰 西南林业大学生命科学学院 
杨 豪 西南林业大学生命科学学院 
徐柠檬 西南林业大学生命科学学院 
郭 磊 西南林业大学生命科学学院 
ZI Lu-Xi College of Life Sciences, Southwest Forestry University 
LI Wei-Lan College of Life Sciences, Southwest Forestry University 
YANG Hao College of Life Sciences, Southwest Forestry University 
XU Ning-Meng College of Life Sciences, Southwest Forestry University 
GUO Lei College of Life Sciences, Southwest Forestry University 
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      目的 基于美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)主要滋味物质(包括游离氨基酸和呈味核苷酸)的含量差异, 对云南省不同产地美味牛肝菌的主要滋味品质进行评价。方法 采用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)对云南省8个不同产地美味牛肝菌中的17种游离氨基酸和6种呈味核苷酸进行定量分析, 并结合多元统计分析及滋味活性值(taste activity value, TAV)、等鲜浓度值(equivalent umami concentration, EUC)对不同产地美味牛肝菌主要滋味成分含量进行分析及风味评估。结果 不同产地美味牛肝菌游离氨基酸和呈味核苷酸含量均存在一定差异, 游离氨基酸总含量最高的是南涧美味牛肝菌, 为(9.684±0.301) g/100 g, 最低是易门美味牛肝菌, 为(4.593±0.186) g/100 g, 各产地游离氨基酸含量均呈现为甜味氨基酸总量>苦味氨基酸总量>鲜味氨基酸总量; 而呈味核苷酸含量最低的是通海美味牛肝菌, 仅为(273.116±7.218) μg/g, 最高为泸沽湖美味牛肝菌, 达到了(1722.803±16.476) μg/g, 8个产地含量最高的呈味核苷酸均为5'-黄苷酸。另外, 南涧产地美味牛肝菌主要滋味物质含量最高, 且在滋味评估中, 滋味活性值和等鲜浓度值远高于其他产地, 分别为135.46 mg/g和47.59 g MSG/100 g。结论 云南省不同产地美味牛肝菌主要滋味成分含量差异较大, 综合比较得出南涧产地美味牛肝菌的滋味较为浓郁, 研究结果可为美味牛肝菌风味物质的深入研究及风味基料的开发提供一定的参考。
      Objective To evaluate the main taste quality of Boletus edulis from different origins in Yunnan Province based on the content differences of main taste substances (including free amino acids and flavored nucleotides). Methods High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify 17 kinds of free amino acids and 6 kinds of flavored nucleotides in Boletus edulis from 8 different producing areas in Yunnan Province. Combined with multivariate statistical analysis, taste activity value (TAV) and equivalent umami concentration (EUC), the content of the main taste components of Boletus edulis from different origins was analyzed and the flavor was evaluated. Results There was a significant difference in the free amino acid and flavored nucleotide content of Boletus edulis from different origins. The origin with the highest total content of free amino acids was Nanjian, its content reached (9.684±0.301) g/100 g. While the lowest was Yimen, with a content of (4.593±0.186) g/100 g. Among the content of free amino acids of Boletus edulis from 8 origins, the total amount of sweet amino acids>the total amount of bitter amino acids>the total amount of umami amino acids. The origins with the highest total content of flavored nucleotides was Tonghai, its content reached (273.116±7.218) μg/g. While the lowest was Lugu Lake, with a content of (1722.803±16.476) μg/g. 5′-xanthosine monophosphate was the most abundant flavored nucleotide among the 8 origins. In addition, the origins with the highest content of major flavor substances was Nanjian, and taste assessment suggested that the TAV and EUC value was the greatest, which were 135.46 mg/g and 47.59 g MSG/100 g, respectively. Conclusion There are significant differences in the content of the main flavor components of Boletus edulis from different origins in Yunnan Province. Comprehensive comparison has showed that the taste of Boletus edulis in Nanjian is relatively stronger. These results can provide useful information for the in-depth study of flavor substances in Boletus edulis and the development of flavor ingredients.
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