韩晓雪,司 军,武俊峰,李 爽,孟明波,刘兴海.食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2023,14(7):173-181
Research progress on freshness indicators for food intelligent packaging
投稿时间:2022-11-17  修订日期:2023-03-23
中文关键词:  新鲜度  指示剂  智能包装
英文关键词:freshness  indicators  intelligent packaging
韩晓雪 武汉大学图像传播与印刷包装研究中心 
司 军 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司襄阳卷烟厂 
武俊峰 湖北烟草金叶复烤有限责任公司襄阳复烤厂 
李 爽 湖北烟草金叶复烤有限责任公司襄阳复烤厂 
孟明波 湖北烟草金叶复烤有限责任公司襄阳复烤厂 
刘兴海 武汉大学图像传播与印刷包装研究中心 
HAN Xiao-Xue Research Center of Graphic Communication, Printing and Packaging, Wuhan University 
SI Jun Xiangyang Cigarette Factory of Hubei China Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd 
WU Jun-Feng Hubei Tobacco Gold Leaf Re-baking Company Limited Xiangyang Re-baking Plant 
LI Shuang Hubei Tobacco Gold Leaf Re-baking Company Limited Xiangyang Re-baking Plant 
MENG Ming-Bo Hubei Tobacco Gold Leaf Re-baking Company Limited Xiangyang Re-baking Plant 
LIU Xing-Hai Research Center of Graphic Communication, Printing and Packaging, Wuhan University 
摘要点击次数: 396
全文下载次数: 217
      作为智能包装不可缺少的一部分——新鲜度指示剂, 通过指示敏感材料与食品腐败过程中产生的特定产物发生反应, 并将反应结果转换成易于消费者直接观察和判断的信号, 如: 颜色信号、电信号、荧光信号等, 为消费者提供实时质量监控信息, 有效满足市场对食品品质监控特别是对各种易变质食品例如乳制品、肉类和水果蔬菜等新鲜度评估的需求, 不断朝着更安全、高级智能和绿色食品新鲜度指示剂包装的方向进行探索。本文综述了食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的分类, 包括CO2敏感型指示剂、总挥发性盐基氮敏感型指示剂、pH敏感型指示剂及其成型工艺, 涵盖了食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的应用, 旨在为食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的发展提供参考。
      As an indispensable part of intelligent packaging, freshness indicator provides real-time quality monitoring for consumers by indicating sensitive materials, reacting with specific products produced during food spoilage and converting the reaction results into signals that can be easily observed and judged directly by consumers, such as color signals, electrical signals, fluorescent signals, etc., ?and effectively meets the market demand for food quality monitoring, especially for freshness assessment of various perishable foods such as dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables, and constantly explore the direction of designing safer, advanced smart and green food freshness indicator packaging. This paper reviewed the classification of food intelligent packaging freshness indicators, including CO2-sensitive indicators, total volatile base nitrogen-sensitive indicators, pH-sensitive indicators and their molding process, covering the application of food intelligent packaging freshness indicators, aiming to provide references for the development of food intelligent packaging freshness indicators.
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