杨留长,曹小青,丁淏淳,曾 丽,吴明江,杨 越.近红外光谱法快速测定羊栖菜生长过程中的活性成分[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2023,14(8):204-212
Rapid determination of active components in growth process of Sargassum fusiforme by near infrared spectroscopy
投稿时间:2022-10-25  修订日期:2023-04-19
中文关键词:  近红外光谱法  羊栖菜  生长过程  活性成分  快速分析
英文关键词:near infrared spectroscopy  Sargassum fusiforme  growth process  active components  rapid analysis
杨留长 温州大学生命与环境科学学院;浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室 
曹小青 温州大学生命与环境科学学院;浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室 
丁淏淳 温州大学生命与环境科学学院;浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室 
曾 丽 温州大学生命与环境科学学院;浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室 
吴明江 温州大学生命与环境科学学院;浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室 
杨 越 温州大学生命与环境科学学院;浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室 
YANG Liu-Chang College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University;Key Laboratory of Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection of Zhejiang Province 
CAO Xiao-Qing College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University;Key Laboratory of Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection of Zhejiang Province 
DING Hao-Chun College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University;Key Laboratory of Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection of Zhejiang Province 
ZENG Li College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University;Key Laboratory of Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection of Zhejiang Province 
WU Ming-Jiang College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University;Key Laboratory of Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection of Zhejiang Province 
YANG Yue College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University;Key Laboratory of Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection of Zhejiang Province 
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      目的 利用近红外光谱法对羊栖菜生长过程中的活性成分进行快速定量分析, 并探究其生长过程中的活性成分含量变化规律。方法 收集羊栖菜7个生长阶段共175个羊栖菜粉末样品, 采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定多糖和多酚的含量, 高效液相色谱法测定岩藻黄质的含量。运用组合区间-偏最小二乘法(synergy interval partial least squares, Si-PLS)分别建立了近红外光谱与3种活性成分指标参考值之间的定量校正模型, 并采用不同的预处理方法和主因子数优化模型。结果 在羊栖菜的生长过程中, 多糖含量变化为栽培期>快速生长期>成熟期; 多酚含量变化为快速生长期>成熟期>栽培期; 岩藻黄质含量变化为栽培期>快速生长期≈成熟期。多糖、多酚和岩藻黄质3种定量模型的近红外预测值与参考值之间的拟合性良好, 模型预测精度较高, 其中预测集相关系数(correlation coefficient of prediction, RP)均大于0.95; 预测集均方根误差(root mean square error of prediction, RMSEP)分别为11.01、1.72、0.41 mg/g, 预测集相对偏差(relative standard of error of prediction, RSEP)分别为8.66%、3.62%、8.67%。结论 本研究揭示了羊栖菜生长过程中多糖、多酚和岩藻黄质的含量变化规律; 证实了采用近红外光谱法结合Si-PLS可以成功用于测定羊栖菜生长过程中的活性成分含量, 且该方法操作简单、快速、准确、无损、环保。
      Objective To analyze the active components of Sargassum fusiforme during its growth process by near infrared spectroscopy, and explore the change rule of the content of active ingredients in the growth process. Methods A total of 175 powder samples of Sargassum fusiforme in 7 growth stages were collected. The content of polysaccharides and polyphenols were determined by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry, and the content of fucoxanthine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Synergy interval partial least squares (Si-PLS) was used to establish the quantitative correction models between the near infrared spectra and the reference values of the 3 kinds of active component indexes, and different pretreatment methods and principal factors were used to optimize the model. Results In the process of the growth of Sargassum fusiforme, the polysaccharides content changed as cultivation stage>rapid growth stage>mature stage. The change of polyphenols content was rapid growth stage>mature stage>cultivation stage. The change of fucoxanthine content was cultivation stage>rapid growth stage≈mature stage. The near infrared prediction values of polysaccharides, polyphenols and fucoxanthine fitted well with the reference values, and the prediction accuracy of the model was high. The correlation coefficient of prediction (RP) of the prediction set was greater than 0.95; the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 11.01, 1.72 and 0.41 mg/g, respectively, and the relative standard of error of prediction (RSEP) was 8.66%, 3.62% and 8.67%, respectively. Conclusion This study has revealed the changes of polysaccharides, polyphenols and fucoxanthin content during the growth of Sargassum fusiforme. It is confirmed that near infrared spectroscopy combined with Si-PLS can be successfully used to determine the content of active components in the growth process of Sargassum fusiforme, and this method is simple, rapid, accurate, nondestructive and environmental friendly.
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