Preparation of diacylglycerols from glycerolysis and esterification reaction catalyzed by macroporous resins supported Candida antartic lipase B
投稿时间:2022-09-20  修订日期:2022-11-17
中文关键词:  甘油解  脂肪酶  甘油二酯  大孔树脂  酯化反应
英文关键词:glycerolysis  lipase  diacylglycerols  macroporous resin  esterification
魏凌枫 广东药科大学食品科学学院 
钟南京 广东药科大学食品科学学院 
WEI Ling-Feng School of Food Science, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University 
ZHONG Nan-Jing School of Food Science, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University 
摘要点击次数: 326
全文下载次数: 354
      目的 采用3种大孔树脂(DA-201、ADS-17、DM-301)对南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B (Candida antartic lipase B, CALB)进行固定化, 研究固定化脂肪酶催化甘油解和酯化反应制备甘油二酯(diacylglycerols, DAG)。方法 以大孔树脂为载体, 采用吸附法制备固定化脂肪酶; 通过单因素实验对固定化酶催化甘油解和酯化反应制备DAG的反应条件进行优化。结果 CALB@DA-201催化甘油解反应制备DAG的效率最高, 当反应温度为70℃, 甘油解反应24 h后产物中的DAG含量最高为64.52%; CALB@DM-301催化酯化反应制备DAG的效率最高, 当反应温度为80℃, 酯化反应24 h后产物中DAG含量高达72.06%。此外, CALB@ADS-17催化酯化反应具有选择性合成甘油三酯(triacylglycerols, TAG)的特性, TAG含量可达89.74%。结论 大孔树脂负载的CALB能够有效催化甘油解和酯化反应, 并获得可观含量的DAG, 具有较好的应用前景。
      Objective To study the effects of immobilized lipases Candida antartic lipase B (CALB) immobilized onto the 3 kinds of macroporous resins (DA-201, ADS-17 and DM-301) on the diacylglycerols (DAG) preparation through glycerolysis and esterification. Methods The immobilized lipase was prepared by adsorption method using macroporous resin as the carrier. The reaction conditions for the preparation of DAG from glycerolysis and esterification catalyzed by immobilized enzyme were optimized by single factor experiment. Results Better glycerolysis performance was obtained from CALB@DA-201, and DAG content up to 64.52% could be obtained after 24 h reaction at 70℃. On the other hand, better esterification performance was observed from CALB@DM-301, and DAG content at 72.06% was obtained after 24 h reaction at 80℃. Additionaly, CALB@ADS-17 showed selectivity towards triacylglycerols (TAG) formation, and TAG content up to 89.74% was obtained. Conclusion The present macroporous resins supported CALB samples can efficiently catalyze the glycerolysis and esterification reactions, and considerable DAG content is obtained, which is potential in practical application.
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