李 煦,田鑫奥,倪睿杰,郭橙润,徐 美,范小振.碱蓬植物盐提取工艺优化及其矿物质元素测定[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2022,13(22):7339-7347 |
碱蓬植物盐提取工艺优化及其矿物质元素测定 |
Optimization of phyto-salt extraction process and determination of mineral elements in Suaeda salsa |
投稿时间:2022-08-25 修订日期:2022-11-14 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 碱蓬 植物盐 提取 响应面 保健盐 |
英文关键词:Suaeda salsa phyto-salt extraction response surface health salt |
基金项目:河北省“三三三人才工程”资助项目(A202001102)、河北省高等教育教学改革研究与实践项目(2020GJJG368)、河北省大中学生科技创新能力培育专项项目(2021H090305)、沧州师范学院科研创新团队项目(cxtdl1901) |
摘要点击次数: 467 |
全文下载次数: 235 |
中文摘要: |
目的 优化碱蓬植物盐提取工艺, 测定碱蓬植物盐矿物质元素。方法 采用超声-微波协同提取法, 以碱蓬植物盐得率为指标, 通过单因素和响应面实验设计优化提取工艺参数。采用原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法测定碱蓬植物盐矿物质元素含量。结果 优化工艺参数为提取温度50℃、微波功率205 W、超声功率126 W、提取时间9 min、液料比82:1 (mL:g), 植物盐平均得率为(31.50±1.92)%。不同生长阶段的碱蓬植物盐中, 矿物质元素含量均呈现Na>K>Mg>Ca>Fe>Cu>Se的趋势, 重金属元素Pb、Hg含量低于GB 2762—2017《食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量》要求, 未检测出As、Cd元素。结论 该优化工艺能够有效指导碱蓬植物盐的提取, 碱蓬植物盐低钠高钾, 富含多种营养元素, 作为营养保健盐具有一定推广价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To optimize the extraction process of phyto-salt in Suaeda salsa and determine its content of mineral elements. Methods The phyto-salt in Suaeda salsa was extracted by ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction method. The extraction process parameters were optimized by single factor and response surface experiment design with the yield of phyto-salt as the index. The content of elements in phyto-salt was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Results After optimization and verification, the optimal process conditions were extraction temperature 50℃, microwave power 205 W, ultrasonic power 126 W, extraction time 9 min, liquid material ratio 82:1 (mL:g), and the average yield of phyto-salt reached (31.50±1.92)%. The nutrient element content of phyto-salt in Suaeda salsa at different growth stages showed the following trend: Na>K>Mg>Ca>Fe>Cu>Se, and the content of heavy metal element Pb and Hg was lower than the specified amount in GB 2762—2017 National food safety standard-Limit of pollutants in food, and element As and Cd were not detected. Conclusion The optimized extraction conditions can effectively extract phyto-salt in Suaeda salsa. In the phyto-salt of Suaeda, it is rich in many nutrient elements, low in sodium and high in potassium. As a nutritional and health-care salt, it is worth popularizing. |
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