高 杰,润子木,马 蕊,刘 源,陈艳萍.消费者感官评价对酸奶品质提升的导向研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2022,13(21):6855-6861
Oriented research of yogurt quality improvement based on consumer sensory evaluation
投稿时间:2022-07-16  修订日期:2022-11-01
中文关键词:  酸奶  消费者  感官评价  喜好度分析  惩罚分析
英文关键词:yogurt  consumers  sensory evaluation  preference analysis  penalty analysis
高 杰 上海交通大学农业与生物学院 
润子木 上海交通大学农业与生物学院 
马 蕊 君乐宝乳业集团有限公司 
刘 源 上海交通大学农业与生物学院 
陈艳萍 上海交通大学农业与生物学院 
GAO Jie School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
RUN Zi-Mu School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
MA Rui Junlebao Dairy Co., Ltd 
LIU Yuan School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
CHEN Yan-Ping School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
摘要点击次数: 1359
全文下载次数: 495
      目的 基于消费者感官评价提升酸奶品质。方法 收集消费者的基本信息及其对酸奶整体喜好度、香气喜好度, 香气、甜味、酸味、稠度接受度和酸奶所需要提升的感官属性的主观建议等。采用喜好度分析、惩罚分析、词云频率分析等方法对消费者评价结果进行分析。结果 4种酸奶的整体喜好度与香气喜好度平均值都在5分以上, 说明消费者的认可度高; 且酸奶的香气与整体喜好度之间有正相关性。酸奶532的产品更受消费者欢迎。酸奶467接受度最低, 需进一步优化其配方。消费者关注的酸奶品质主要包括酸度、甜度、香气和稠度。喜好度分析和接受度惩罚分析的结果显示, 酸奶532是本研究范围内消费者喜好度最高的产品, 后期通过降低其甜度, 可以更好地提高其接受度。结论 以消费者感官评价为导向探究乳制品的风味感官品质, 可为产品的优化升级提供有针对性的指导意义。
      Objective To improve the quality of yoghurt based on consumer sensory evaluation. Methods The data collected including basic information about consumers, their overall preference and aroma preference, acceptance of aroma, sweetness, sourness, thickness of yogurt, and subjective suggestions on the sensory properties that yogurt needs to improve. The results of consumer evaluations were analyzed by preference analysis, penalty analysis, and word cloud frequency. Results The average values of the overall preference and aroma preference of the 4 kinds of yogurts were all above 5 points, indicating that the consumer’s recognitions were high. There was a positive correlation between the aroma preference and the overall preference. Yogurt 532 was more popular within consumers. Yogurt 467 had the lowest acceptance, the formulations needed to be further optimized. The qualities of yogurt that consumers paid more attention to mainly included acidity, sweetness, aroma, and thickness. The results of the preference analysis and the penalty analysis found that yogurt 532 was a product with the highest consumer preference within the scope of this study, and its preference could be improved by reducing sweetness. Conclusion Consumer-oriented exploration of the flavor and sensory quality of dairy products can provide guiding significance for the optimization and upgrading of products.
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