Application of pan-genomic on the monitoring of foodborne pathogens and antimicrobial resistance
投稿时间:2022-06-11  修订日期:2022-06-29
中文关键词:  泛基因组学  食源性致病菌  致病性  抗生素耐药性  风险防控
英文关键词:pan-genomics  foodborne pathogens  pathogenicity  antimicrobial resistance  risk prevention
黎梓怡 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 微生物代谢国家重点实验室 
施春雷 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 微生物代谢国家重点实验室 
LI Zi-Yi School of Agriculture and Biology, and State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
SHI Chun-Lei School of Agriculture and Biology, and State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
摘要点击次数: 330
全文下载次数: 251
      食源性致病菌引起的食源性疾病在全球范围内时有暴发, 对致病菌的调查和监测是预防和控制疾病大范围发生的有效手段。然而菌株的遗传变异给监测工作带来了挑战, 同时罕见的、未知的菌株信息用传统鉴定方法难以实现。泛基因组学作为新发展的基因组分析方法, 提供了更完整的基因组信息, 在分离株鉴别、菌株遗传差异研究等方面具有重要贡献。结合数据库与分析软件, 泛基因组分析在揭示致病菌的毒力及耐药基因、寻找新的抑菌靶点、监测基因水平转移情况等方面具有很大的应用潜力。本文简要介绍了泛基因组概念和分析方法, 综述了其在致病菌快速检测、风险溯源以及风险预警方面的应用, 深入阐述了泛基因组分析在耐药性监测和防控领域的发展状况, 以期为基于基因组层面的食源性致病菌风险评估提供参考。
      Foodborne diseases caused by foodborne pathogens break out all over the world. The investigation and monitoring of foodborne pathogens is an effective method to prevent and control the widespread occurrence of the disease. However, genetic variation of strains has brought challenges to surveillance. Moreover, the information on rare and unknown pathogens is difficult to be acquired by traditional identification methods. As a newly developed method of genome analysis, pan-genomics provides more complete genome information, and has important contributions to the identification of isolates and the study of genetic differences of strains. Combined with database and analysis software, pan-genome analysis has significant potential of application in revealing virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes of pathogens, finding new antibacterial targets and monitoring horizontal gene transfer. This paper briefly introduced the concept and analysis methods of pan-genome, summarized its application in pathogen rapid detection, risk traceability, and risk early warning, meanwhile, deeply expounded the development of pan-genome analysis in the field of antimicrobial resistance surveillance and control, in order to provide references for risk assessment of foodborne pathogens based on genome level.
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