Determination of 8 kinds of biogenic amines in different varieties of peach wines by ultra performance liquid chromatography
投稿时间:2022-02-20  修订日期:2022-05-31
中文关键词:  超高效液相色谱法  生物胺  桃果酒
英文关键词:ultra performance liquid chromatography  biogenic amine  peach wine
李湘楠 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
梅涌现 驻马店市农产品质量安全检测中心 
张晓晴 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
吕真真 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
张春岭 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
焦中高 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
LI Xiang-Nan Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
MEI Yong-Xian Testing Center for Agro-product Quality and Safety of Zhumadian 
ZHANG Xiao-Qing Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
LV Zhen-Zhen Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
ZHANG Chun-Ling Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
JIAO Zhong-Gao Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
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全文下载次数: 230
      目的 建立一种检测桃果酒中生物胺的超高效液相色谱法, 并对不同品种桃果酒的生物胺组成与含量进行测定。方法 样品采用丹磺酰氯衍生, 乙酸乙酯液-液萃取, Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18色谱柱(100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 μm)分离, 柱温35℃, 乙腈-0.1%乙酸水溶液作流动相, 流速0.2 mL/min, 梯度洗脱, 紫外检测波长254 nm, 外标法定量。结果 柱前丹磺酰氯衍生超高效液相色谱-紫外法可在16 min内完成色胺、β-苯乙胺、腐胺、尸胺、组胺、酪胺、亚精胺、精胺8种生物胺的测定, 在1.0~50.0 mg/L范围内, 8种生物胺的峰面积与其质量浓度具有良好的线性关系, 相关系数r2>0.999, 检出限在15.76~21.43 μg/L之间, 定量限在53.58~71.07 μg/L之间; 日内精密度在0.85%~3.31%之间, 日间精密度在1.02%~4.36%之间; 加标回收率在89.71%~106.16%之间。10个品种桃果酒中均可检测到8种生物胺, 其中以色胺、腐胺含量较高, 而酪胺、精胺含量较低。白凤、武汉2号桃果酒中生物胺总胺含量较高, 而春蜜、中桃绯玉桃果酒中总胺含量较低。结论 该方法快速简便、灵敏高效、准确度高、重现性好, 可用于桃果酒中生物胺的分析检测。不同品种桃果酒的生物胺组成与含量差异较大, 选择适宜的原料品种有助于控制桃果酒中生物胺含量。
      Objective To establish a method for the determination of biogenic amines in peach wines by ultra performance liquid chromatography, and analyze the composition and content of biogenic amines in different varieties peach wines. Methods The samples were derivatized by dansyl chloride and then extracted with ethyl acetate liquid-liquid extraction, separated by Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column (100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) under 35℃, with the acetonitrile-0.1% acetic acid aqueous solution as mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min. Ultraviolet detection wavelength was 254 nm, and external standard method was performed for the quantification. Results Eight kinds of biogenic amines including tryptamine, β-phenylethylamine, tyramine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, spermine, and spermidine were determined by pre-column derivatization using dansyl chloride combined with ultra performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet spectrophotometry within 16 min, the peak areas of 8 kinds of biogenic amines had good linear relationships with mass concentrations in the range of 1.0?50.0 mg/L, with the correlation coefficient r2>0.999, the limits of detection and quantification ranged at 15.76?21.43 and 53.58?71.07 μg/L, respectively, and the intra-day precision and inter-day precision ranged at 0.85%?3.31% and 1.02%?4.36%, respectively; the recoveries ranged at 89.71%-106.16%. All the 8 kinds of biogenic amines could be detected in the different varieties peach wine samples. Among which, tryptamine and putrescine showed higher levels in peach wine samples, while tyramine and spermine showed lower levels in most samples. Peach wines made from 2 cultivars of Biafeng and Wuhan had higher levels of biogenic amines, whereas Chunmi and Zhongtaofeiyu peach wines showed lower levels of biogenic amines than other varieties. Conclusion This method is rapid, simple, sensitive, efficient, accurate and reproducible, and can be used for the determination of biogenic amines in peach wines. There is great difference in biogenic amine profiles among peach wines made from different varieties, so selection of suitable variety of peach may be a helpful approach to control the content of biogenic amines in peach wine.
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