Study on the suitability of Pingyang yellow tea processed from fresh leaves of different tea cultivars
投稿时间:2021-11-10  修订日期:2022-03-06
中文关键词:  平阳黄汤  黄小茶  茶树品种  适制性
英文关键词:Pingyang yellow tea  yellow little tea  tea cultivars  suitability
朱建军 温州科技职业学院, 温州市园艺植物育种重点实验室 
陈建新 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所, 浙江省茶叶加工工程重点实验室, 国家茶产业工程技术研究中心 
尹军峰 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所, 浙江省茶叶加工工程重点实验室, 国家茶产业工程技术研究中心 
董荣建 平阳县质量检验检测研究院 
陈根生 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所, 浙江省茶叶加工工程重点实验室, 国家茶产业工程技术研究中心 
ZHU Jian-Jun Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Breeding, Wenzhou Vocational College of Science & Technology 
CHEN Jian-Xin Key Laboratory of Tea Processing Engineering of Zhejiang Province, National Engineering Technology Research Center of Tea Industry, Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
YIN Jun-Feng Key Laboratory of Tea Processing Engineering of Zhejiang Province, National Engineering Technology Research Center of Tea Industry, Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
DONG Rong-Jian Pingyang Institute of Quality Inspection & Testing 
CHEN Gen-Sheng Key Laboratory of Tea Processing Engineering of Zhejiang Province, National Engineering Technology Research Center of Tea Industry, Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
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      目的 比较不同茶树品种鲜叶加工平阳黄汤的适制性。方法 通过比较9个茶树品种制作的平阳黄汤样, 测定分析茶样的主要成分、茶汤色度, 并对测定结果进行相关性分析。结果 9个平阳黄汤茶样感官品质综合得分排序为: 黄金叶>醉金红>平阳特早>嘉茗1号>中黄3号>龙井43>群体种>云抗14号>御金香。汤色得分与色度L*、b*呈极显著相关, 相关系数(r)分别为0.847、-0.824, 与白利度(Brix)呈极显著相关, 相关系数(r)为–0.817, 因此茶汤色差的L*值、b*值、Brix值可作为平阳黄汤汤色品质的辅助参考指标; 香气得分与茶多酚、氨基酸均呈显著性相关, 相关系数(r)分别为0.680、–0.721; 滋味得分与酚氨比呈显著性负相关, 相关系数(r)为–0.713; 儿茶素总量占茶样干物质的10.13%~14.97%, 非酯型儿茶素与酯型儿茶素分别占儿茶素总量的16.79%~25.93%和74.07%~83.21%, 其中表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯[(-)-epigallocatechin gallate, EGCG]含量占总儿茶素含量的40.81%~63.54%。研究还发现表没食子儿茶素[(-)-epigallocatechin, EGC]与表儿茶素[(-)-epicatechin, EC]含量的比值可作为滋味品质参考, 比值接近2.5, 茶汤的回甜味明显。结论 平阳特早、嘉茗1号、黄金叶和醉金红的鲜叶试制平阳黄汤有较好的表现, 品质稳定、色泽艳、滋味鲜甜, 适宜在平阳推广栽种和加工。
      Objective To compare the suitability of Pingyang yellow tea processed from fresh leaf of different tea cultivars. Methods By comparing the Pingyang yellow tea made by 9 tea cultivars, the main components of the tea samples and the color of the tea soup were analyzed, and the correlation analysis was carried out on the determination results. Results The overall sensory quality score of 9 Pingyang yellow tea samples were ranked as follows: Huangjinye>Zuijinhong>Pinyang Tezao>Jiaming 1>Zhonghuang 3>Longjing 43>Species Population>Yunkang 14>Yujinxiang. There was a significant correlation between soup color score and chromatic aberration L* and b*, the correlation coefficients (r) were 0.847 and –0.824, respectively, there was significant correlation between soup color score and Brix, the correlation coefficient (r) was –0.817, therefore, L*, b* and Brix of tea soup could also be used as auxiliary reference indexes of color quality of Pingyang yellow tea; aroma score was significantly correlated with tea polyphenols and amino acids, and correlation coefficients (r) were r=0.680 and -0.721, respectively; there was a significant negative correlation between taste score and ratio of polyphenols to amino acids, correlation coefficient (r) was –0.713; the total catechins accounted for 10.13%–14.97% of the tea samples (without water), non-galloylated catechins and galloylated catechins accounted for 16.79%–25.93% and 74.07%–83.21% of the total catechins, respectively; the content of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) accounted for 40.81%–63.54% of the total catechin content. The study also found that the content ratio of (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (-)-epicatechin (EC) could be used as the reference values of taste quality, when the ratio was close to 2.5, the tea soup had obvious sweet aftertaste. Conclusion: Pingyang yellow tea made by Pingyang Tezao, Jiaming 1, Huangjinye and Zuijinhong has showed good performance, stable quality, bright color and sweet taste, which is suitable for cultivation and processing in Pingyang.
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