Research progress on the related mechanisms of biological factors in food spoilage and deterioration
投稿时间:2021-09-18  修订日期:2021-12-31
中文关键词:  食品安全  腐败变质  生物因素  微生物  活性酶
英文关键词:food safety  spoilage and deterioration  biological factors  microorganisms  active enzyme
安朝霞 河北大学公共卫生学院;军事科学院军事医学研究院环境医学与作业医学研究所 
苗雨阳 河北大学公共卫生学院;军事科学院军事医学研究院环境医学与作业医学研究所 
杜玉婉 军事科学院军事医学研究院环境医学与作业医学研究所 
季帅峰 新疆大学物理科学与技术学院 
高志贤 军事科学院军事医学研究院环境医学与作业医学研究所 
闫宏远 河北大学公共卫生学院 
韩殿鹏 军事科学院军事医学研究院环境医学与作业医学研究所 
AN Zhao-Xia College of Public Health, Hebei University;Institute of Environmental and Operational Medicine 
MIAO Yu-Yang College of Public Health, Hebei University;Institute of Environmental and Operational Medicine 
DU Yu-Wan Institute of Environmental and Operational Medicine 
JI Shuai-Feng School of Physical Science and Technology, Xinjiang University 
GAO Zhi-Xian Institute of Environmental and Operational Medicine 
YAN Hong-Yuan College of Public Health, Hebei University 
HAN Dian-Peng Institute of Environmental and Operational Medicine 
摘要点击次数: 794
全文下载次数: 616
      食品腐败变质是普遍存在于食品中的自然现象, 其本质上是食品中营养物质被微生物分解或活性酶降解所产生的一系列生物化学反应, 感观上主要表现为颜色、气味、触感和质感等的改变, 微观上主要体现在食品营养成分的分解和代谢副产物的形成。食品腐败变质的现象可由多种因素引起, 而其变质的机制与化合物的释放则主要取决于食品自身的类型, 研究不同种类食品腐败变质的规律及其机制对于食品腐败变质的预防和控制具有十分重要的意义。本文从食品腐败变质的生物因素、感官和化学变化、腐败变质的鉴定及预防等方面综述了近5年不同类型食品腐败变质生物因素相关机制的最新研究进展, 旨在为后续有针对性地制订食品的保鲜防腐措施提供参考, 从而更有效地保障食品安全。
      Food spoilage is a natural phenomenon ubiquitous in food, it is essentially a series of biochemical reactions caused by the decomposition of nutrients in food by microorganisms or the degradation of active enzymes. The sensory manifestations are mainly color, smell, touch and texture, the changes in the microscopic view are mainly reflected in the decomposition of food nutrients and the formation of metabolic by-products. The phenomenon of food spoilage can be caused by many factors, and its spoilage mechanism and the release of compounds mainly depend on the type of food itself, and studying the laws and mechanisms of different kinds of food spoilage is of great significance to the prevention and control of food spoilage. This paper summarized the latest research progress of biological factors related to different types of food spoilage in recent 5 years from the aspects of biological factors, sensory and chemical changes, identification and prevention of food spoilage, etc., in order to provide reference for the follow-up targeted formulation of food preservation and anti-corrosion measures, so as to ensure food safety more effectively.
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