Research on temperature and humidity of high-moisture corn grain piles in underground grain silos after grain cooling and ventilation
投稿时间:2021-07-05  修订日期:2021-11-24
中文关键词:  地下粮食筒仓  温度场  湿度场  谷冷通风  数值模拟
英文关键词:underground grain silos  temperature field  humidity field  grain cooling and ventilation  numerical simulation
张淑媛 郑州铁路职业技术学院 
张祥祥 河南工业大学土木工程学院 
ZHANG Shu-Yuan Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College 
ZHANG Xiang-Xiang School of Civil Engineering, Henan University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 548
全文下载次数: 320
      目的 研究地下粮食筒仓中高水分玉米粮堆在谷冷通风后的温湿度变化。方法 采用TOPRIE-TP700多路数据记录仪和TOPRIE-TP2305温湿度传感器对谷冷通风后, 试验仓内高水分玉米粮堆的温湿度进行监测; 同时利用数值模拟软件COMSOL, 对相同尺寸的模型仓进行了同工况下数值模拟分析。结果 试验仓内上层粮堆易受到外部环境变化的影响, 谷冷通风后的静态储藏期间, 第四层粮温由初始的6.8 ℃降至3.5 ℃, 下降3.3 ℃; 第三层粮堆先由初始6.5 ℃升至8.1 ℃后, 又下降至6.2 ℃; 第一层和第二层粮温表现出一致的变化性, 由初始的3.6 ℃和4.8 ℃最终升至8.7 ℃和9.6 ℃, 温升分别为5.1 ℃和4.8 ℃; 第一层和第二层相对湿度由初始88.5%和88.3%经小幅上升至89.8%和89.3%之后, 最终相对湿度稳定在89.6%附近; 第三层和第四层相对湿度从初始90.5%和91.7%上升至93.9%和95%后, 最终降低至93.7%和92.7%。靠近仓壁处粮堆温度增幅较大, 最大增幅为11 ℃; 第四层近壁处出现结露现象。结论 高水分粮堆在短时间谷冷通风后, 依然具有较大的结露风险。
      Objective To study the temperature and humidity changes of high-moisture corn grain piles in underground grain silos after grain cooling and ventilation. Methods TOPRIE-TP700 multi-channel data logger and TOPRIE-TP2305 temperature and humidity sensor were used to monitor the temperature and humidity of high-moisture corn grain piles in the test chamber after grain cooling and ventilation, at the same time, the numerical simulation software COMSOL was used to perform numerical simulation analysis on the model bins of the same size under the same working conditions. The numerical simulation analysis under the same working conditions was presented. Results The upper grain pile in the test warehouse was susceptible to changes in the external environment. During the static storage period after grain cooling and ventilation, the temperature of the fourth layer of grain dropped from the initial 6.8 ℃ to 3.5 ℃, a decrease of 3.3 ℃; the pile first rose from 6.5 ℃ to 8.1 ℃ initially, and then dropped to 6.2 ℃; the grain temperature of the first layer and the second layer showed consistent variability, from the initial 3.6 ℃ and 4.8 ℃ and finally rose to 8.7 ℃and 9.6 ℃, the temperature rise was 5.1 ℃ and 4.8 ℃ respectively; the relative humidity of the first and second layers increased from 88.5% and 88.3% initially to 89.8% and 89.3%, and the final relative humidity stabilized at around 89.6%; the relative humidity of the third and fourth layer increased from 90.5% and 91.7% initially to 93.9% and 95%, and finally decreased to 93.7% and 92.7%. The temperature of the grain piles near the warehouse wall increased greatly, with a maximum increase of 11 ℃; condensation appeared near the wall on the fourth floor. Conclusion High-moisture grain piles still have a greater risk of condensation after a short period of grain cooling and ventilation.
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